Gino Simione

Department: Dean of Students

What does your role entail/what do you do: "My job as one of the Assistant Directors in the Dean of Students Office is to facilitate the student conduct process. That means making sure our students are given the due process they are entitled too along with being fair and consistent when meeting with students. "

What is your favorite part about working at UNT: "My favorite part about working at UNT is the people. The faculty, staff, and students I have met have made my time at UNT worthwhile. "

How have UNT students impacted your life: "The students here at UNT care. They care for not only themselves but the entire community. I also get the opportunity to work with a pretty special group of students in the Dean of Students Office who make work fun and rewarding. "

Fun fact about you: "Being from Boston, Massachusetts comes with having the Boston accent. "

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