Taylor Thompson

Title & Department you work for: Coordinator of Special Projects; DSA - Special Projects

Bio: "I am originally from Kansas and graduated with a degree in Communication Studies from Kansas State University before coming to the University of North Texas to pursue a master's degree in Higher Education. After graduating from UNT in May 2020, I started as the Coordinator of Special Projects and have absolutely LOVED my job! In my free time, I enjoy embroidery, rock climbing, and eating at Boca 31."

What does your role entail/what do you do: "I co-advise the PUSH (Persevere Until Success Happens) Foster Care Alumni Program on-campus and also coordinate the Greater Texas Foundation Scholars Program for early college high school graduates. I advise the Green Jackets student service organization and complete various other projects to support the Division of Student Affairs."

What is your favorite part about working at UNT: "Wow, where to start?! Of course the people! I love collaborating with so many different offices on campus because people are so willing to help and work together. I also love getting to wear several hats in my role. Each day looks different and my supervisor, Melissa, gives me so much autonomy, even though I'm so new. The change in my role and creative freedom motivates me to give my all to the job and to the students."

How have UNT students impacted your life: "On an individual level, each student has such a unique and inspirational story and it impacts my life when they share that story with me. When looking at the student body as a whole, I admire how hard-working our students are, both in and out of the classroom. Their go-getter attitudes inspire me to work hard too."

Fun fact about you: "I unashamedly own 9 pairs of Crocs and have convinced 14 friends to purchase Crocs. Call me up if you want to hear my sales pitch."

For more information:

Special Initiatives | Office of the Provost (unt.edu)