In the event of an emergency or situation that elicits immediate intervention, please contact 911. 
The CARE Team plays a secondary role in all urgent circumstances and should be contacted only after initial notifications are made. To contact the CARE Team directly you can also email any questions to

Authorized Student Absences

Absences due to participation in sponsored activities must be approved in advance by the department chair and academic dean. Within three days after the absence, students must obtain authorized absence cards from the Dean of Students for presentation to their instructors. Students with authorized absence cards may make up the work missed when practicable or be given a special allowance so that they are not penalized for the absence. 

Deceased Student Notices

When a student dies while enrolled at the university, a notice is sent by the Dean of Students to the College Dean and (acuity where the student was enrolled and appropriate departments on campus.

Student Complaints

The Dean of Students office will assist a student through the complaint pt0cess other than grade appeal,
of Conduct, Academic Integrity, or Office of Disability Access.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The free, confidential program is available to retirement-eligible, their dependents, and household members, and retirees to help with various issues and stressful events, as well as provide access to counseling services. EAP benefits can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days per week at 1 800-343-3822 or 
using registration code AWP-UNT-384.

The mission of the CARE Team us to:

  • Assist in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of individuals and members of the UNT community.
  • Support individual success.
  • Provide a comprehensive response to individuals whose behavior is disruptive to themselves or the educational environment. 

The CARE Team is one of several resources available to the campus community to address these concerns. Other offices with similar purposes include the Dean of Students, Counseling and Testing Services, Human Resources, UNT Police Department, and the Office of Disability Access.


The University of North Texas cares about everyone's success. Because of this commitment we provide our students. faculty and staff with a number of departments on and off campus to assist individuals. Sometimes individuals do not ask for help. Through the creation of a collaborative interdisciplinary team. the university will provide a caring, private program to identify, intervene, and respond in order to provide individuals with the greatest chance for success and the university community with the greatest level of protection. You can file a CARE Team referral online at
We created this information to accomplish the following

  • Educate you about the CARE Team and how it works; 
  • Provide you with information and tips about how to deal with incidents you may encounter;
  • Provide additional resources on our campus and in our community.

If you have any questions or concerns for the CARE Team about an individual or an incident, contact the CARE Team at