Submit A Referral or Report
The Dean of Students office is available to help with a number of student-related issues and addresses student behavior. In the links below, you can refer a student for assistance regarding any complex personal and academic issues; file a CARE Team referral for students, staff, or faculty; refer a student for alleged misconduct, including sexual misconduct; apply for Parenting and Pregnancy accommodations, or submit Academic Integrity violations. The referral/report will be directed to the appropriate department for follow-up.
Used for: Reporting sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, stalking and relationship violence allegations that may violate UNT Policies. Anonymous reports can be submitted; however, our ability to address a situation may be limited or hindered.
Can be submitted by: Faculty
Used for: Reporting behavior by a UNT student that violates the Student Academic Integrity policy.
This will be sent to the Academic Integrity Officer in Academic Affairs.
Used for: Reporting a possible violation of the Student Code, in which the violation was committed by a UNT student. (UNT Policy 07.012). DO NOT use this to report sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or stalking; please report these incidents under “Report Sexual Misconduct."
Can be submitted by: Students, Faculty, Staff
Used for: Informing the Study Abroad Office and other UNT partners about incidents that occur
abroad. Information will be reviewed and appropriate parties will follow-up.
Can be submitted by: Students, Faculty, Staff, Non-UNT Guests, Community Members
Used for: Referring students, faculty, or staff when there is a concern for harm to self or
others. Contact the CARE Team at 940-565-4373 with any questions.
Can be submitted by: Students, Faculty, Staff, Community Members
Used for: Referring students and their families for assistance in navigating diverse concerns,
as well as identifying resources for personal, academic, and social concerns.
Can be submitted by: Students, Faculty, Staff, Community
Used for: Referring students to the Withdrawal Intervention
Services team to discuss information, implications, and options
pertaining to a withdraw. Students will be guided though the
withdrawal process by staff.
Used for: Students requesting reasonable accommodations for a temporary disability. Medical documentation must be downloaded on the form and UNT email used.
Can be submitted by: Students
Used for: Filing informal complaints regarding UNT with the Dean of Students Office that does
not fall under any other UNT policy.
Used for: Students requesting reasonable accommodations for Pregnancy or Parenting (if a child needs medical care or doctor's appointments). Medical documentation must be downloaded on the form and UNT email used.
Used for: Faculty, staff and students who need access to lactation rooms on campus can apply for access here.
Can be submitted by: Students
Used for: Requesting support for students who are called to active duty service. A copy of military
orders must be included on requests.