Shaelynn Wolfe

Shaelynn Wolfe

Class of 2020, Business Management (OBHR)
"I had thought about being in a sorority but was too scared to go for it. Now, those girls are my best friends, and that place is my home. It also was a catalyst for getting involved in so many other things. The things I was apprehensive to try turned out to be the greatest blessings."
What attracted you to UNT?

UNT just felt so comfortable to me. I loved how there is a place for everyone on campus, and the UNT community has been nothing but welcoming to me from the minute I stepped on campus. I was looking for a school that fostered learning through diversity and I have found that here."

How have you gotten involved on campus?

"I worked for Student Activities last school year, and I'm currently working for the Center for Leadership and Service. I am a proud sister of Kappa Delta and am currently serving as Panhellenic Delegate. I am also the executive director for the Greek Community Board, and I am on the executive board for Eaglethon. I am a member of NT40, the Professional Leadership Program and Order of Omega. I also participated in the Alternative Service Breaks this past spring break."

What advice would you give to a student who is looking to get involved on campus and make the most of his/her time at UNT?

"My advice would be to step outside of your comfort zone and don't be afraid to try something new. I was always into community service but never thought of doing a service break. My friend encouraged me to try it, and it turned out to be one of my greatest experiences in college so far. Kappa Delta was the same way. I had thought about being in a sorority but was too scared to go for it. Now, those girls are my best friends, and that place is my home. It also was a catalyst for getting involved in so many other things. The things I was apprehensive to try turned out to be the greatest blessings."