The DSA Assessment team is comprised of three full-time staff members and graduate assistants. Our team trained and poised to deliver assistance and training on best practices in data retrieval, analysis, and reporting. We are here to help you and your team operate as effectively and efficiently as possible in pursuing your department goals and stand ready to provide support ranging from passive resource sharing to hands-on capacity assistance to ensure you have what you need to be successful. 

Feel free to contact us at



Sheila Bustillos

Sheila Bustillos


Sam Williamson

Sam Williamson

Sam Williamson is assistant director, works toward the goal to make the division of student affairs at UNT a model for best practices in programmatic assessment. He is responsible for the continued development of the division's student learning outcomes process, increasing the team's overall support capacities, and standardizing design of all the department creates and shares.


Shafayat Islam

Shafayat Islam

Shafayat Islam supports the department in analyzing data and creating reports to improve program knowledge and improvement across the division of student affairs. Shafayat has a passion for music and good conversation, and enjoys any opportunity to be able to listen to, advise, and help others.