Arielle Harris

Arielle Harris

How do you work with students? --- "I adopt an individualized approach,  ensuring my students are aware that my door is always open, a fact they humorously take advantage of often. We engage in one-on-one meetings, collaborative council meetings,  and I express authentic interest in their programming, professional development, and personal growth. "

How does your department work with students? --- "The Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life office focuses on leadership development, event coordination, community building, and collaboration with national organizations. Through these things, we individually work with organizations,  council executives, and individuals to pour into their holistic wellbeing, leadership skills, and initiatives. "

What is your favorite part about working at UNT? --- "The diverse student body and the remarkable support services for both students and staff stand out as aspects I appreciate the most while working at UNT."

What does Student Affairs mean to you? --- "Student Affairs to me means being able to focus on providing support services and programs to enhance the overall student experience. "

How have UNT students impacted your life? --- "Throughout my time at UNT, I have developed close interactions with students. It has been fulfilling because it allows me to mentor and guide students, create a sense of community, and shape the overall FSL experience.  "

Fun fact about you? --- "I am from Ohio, and I have automotive certifications! "