Victoria Schofield

What does your role entail/what do you do: My primary role is a Withdrawal coordinator, which means I meet with students who need to withdrawal from all their classes in a session due to some type of difficulty, and I walk with them through that process. I work on the Food Pantry team as the campus monthly sponsors coordinator, which means I recruit and coordinate monthly donation drives with UNT departments. I help coordinate group volunteer activities, assist in planning events, and I run our social media accounts. I am also part of the CARE team as well, so I provide supportive services to students experiencing mental health challenges, and I connect them to mental health resources.

What is your favorite part about working at UNT: Aside from working with students, the DOS Intervention Team is a really incredible team to be part of; it's full of smart, engaged, compassionate people. We have one of the best team leaders in the whole division, and this team not only deeply cares about the UNT community but we care about one another, which makes this work accessible.

How have UNT students impacted your life: I  deeply love working with college students. Being able to go to college really changed my life, but also it's a challenging system to navigate alone, and it's incredibly rewarding to walk alongside our students while they navigate those systems. UNT Students are so hopeful, so resilient, and so smart.

Fun fact about you: I am very much an animal person, you'd be hard-pressed to find an animal I don't like. In my spare time, my wife and I foster and transport all kinds of animals. We've fostered dogs, cats, and baby goats. We've transported hawks, baby foxes, bats, and squirrels to animal rehabbers in the area.