Welcome to CONNECT, a dynamic volunteer group proudly sponsored by Non-Traditional and Commuter Student Support at the University of North Texas. At CONNECT, we're dedicated to fostering a strong sense of community among commuters, non-traditional students, and student parents. By joining our group, you'll have the opportunity to advocate for the needs of your peers on campus, ensuring that every voice is heard and every concern addressed. Whether it's enhancing accessibility, improving resources, or amplifying support systems, CONNECT empowers you to make a meaningful impact on campus life. Join us in creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for all students at UNT.


  • Help UNT provide better resources and services for students like you.
  • Gain volunteer and leadership experience.
  • Get behind the scenes experience of all OCSS events.
  • Make lifelong friends and connections.
  • Earn CONNECT graduation cords!

Requirements for Membership

  • Members should be an undergraduate commuter, non-traditional student or student parent. 
  • Members should be available to meet monthly. 
  • Members should be available to volunteer for at least 2 OCSS events. 
  • Members should have and maintain a cumulative UNT GPA of 2.5. 
  • Members must be currently enrolled in at least 1 UNT course. 
  • Be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the University
  • Have a positive attitude and desire to advocate for others!

Ready to Join? Complete Your Application Today!

OCSS CONNECT Membership Application