Do you want to learn about upcoming events happening at Discovery Park this Spring 2019?
Do you want to join a student org, but you're not sure where to start?
Maybe you just want to be aware of ALL the resources UNT has available for you.
Worry not! We have the perfect event for you to attend. Every Fall and Spring we have
a Disco Fair!
We invite all of our student orgs and departments to let you know what opportunities
you have on campus.
Don't miss out on this great opportunity and hope to see you there!
Event: Disco Fair/ Welcome Back Bash
Date: 3rd Wednesday of the Fall and Spring
Time:11 am - 1 pm
Location: Discovery Park Hallway
Oh! Let's not forget, we will also have FREE pizza & snacks.
*Student Orgs and UNT Departments: If you would like more information on how to be
a part of Disco fair, please email the Center for Student Affairs @DP's Graduate Assistant, Ximena
Montemayor, at
We look forward to having you.