Offering College Prep Services for Denton and Gainesville Middle School and High School Students




TRIO Talent Search at the University of North Texas began on September 1, 1985. For the past 31 years, the activities, enthusiasm, and participation grow while the program's focus remains the same: assist students with recognizing and developing their potential so that they can enroll and complete the postsecondary institution that is best for their needs.

OUR GOAL is to increase the number of college graduates in the Cooke and Denton counties by assisting students with academic enrichment, college enrollment, and the financial aid process. Talent Search is one of six federally funded TRIO Programs housed under the Division of Student Affairs at the University of North Texas.


Talent Search Highlights

Talent Search High School Grads Earn Scholarships


Read About Our Amazing Talent Search Accomplishments

Students received awards, and participated in workshops and activities, like career-readiness programs. Also, see how our community boasts about our Talent Search team!



Student Highlights

"CONGRATULATIONS to the Ryan Talent Search Class of 2023 Seniors who were scholarship recipients this year."


Fun Facts

“Our program has a college enrollment rate of 95%. 45% higher than that of schools in our target area.”

67.5% of ts seniors met eligibility requirements for the UpTop scholarship and were awarded a laptop for college
84% of ts seniors graduating in the GHS Class of 2019 Top 10% were talent search members
71% ts seniors received credit for at least one dual credit class  
Denton high taent search class of 2019 was awarded 325,000 in scholarships
621,775 dollars of scholarship money awarded to ts class of 2019