We will honor those who have passed away on this page in lieu of an in-person Flight Memorial Service. Each name honored on this site represents someone who is deeply missed and fondly remembered by colleagues, family, friends, and loved ones. We profoundly mourn the loss of our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and retirees.

View Fallen Eagles


Taylor Bell

Taylor Bell

Taylor was like a little work sister that I never knew I wanted or needed. We were kindred spirits since the beginning, bonding over being small-town girls with big dreams, fashion, food, and our dark humor. She was a bright light for anyone she encountered and made working a joy when she was around. Her unwavering fearless passion for her beliefs and the people she cared about was a treasure that is rare. Soar high girl, we miss you!

From Kara Ottinger



Kyle Kulling

Kyle Kulling

I give thanks to God for Kyle, for the time He allowed me to enjoy him. What a joy to hold him in my arms, to look into his eyes, to see his smile, to hear his voice! I enjoyed his laughter, his hugs, his kindness, his gentleness. I enjoyed the sweet love he demonstrated to his mom, dad and sister. It was enjoyable to see him interacting with his younger cousins, he was a little kid at heart. He was always cool, calm, and collected. Thank you for Kyle, always in our hearts, never ever far.

From Abuela


If you know someone who has passed and should be added to the Flight Memorial Program, please email: deanofstudents@unt.edu.