The Distinguished Lecture Series Committee

The Series will be administered by a committee composed of two (2) faculty representatives appointed by the Faculty Senate, two (2) staff representatives appointed by the UNT Staff Senate, eight (8) students appointed by the UNT Student Government Association, and one permanent ex officio faculty and/or staff representative to serve as administrative assistance to the committee, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. The President of the UNT Student Government Association or their designee shall serve as chair.

2024 - 2025 DLS Committee

Chad Goins, DLS Committee Advisor 
Braden Dahlem, SGA Representive
Theresa Cavzos, Student
Tyler Gates, Student
Kristen Guillory, Student
Matthew Jewell, Student
Mimi Mbaakanyi, Student
Emaan Shah, Student
Hillary Anyiam, Student
Parker Ellis, Staff Representative
Alex Ames, Staff Representative
Jennifer Lane, Faculty Representative
Anne Grieser, Faculty Representative 
Interested in joining the DLS Committee? Email Chad Goins, Coordinator of Student Engagement, at to learn more.