Profile Picture
Devay Ragland
Peer Mentor
Nashville, Arkansas
High School:
Nashville High school
What did you want to be when you were growing up?

I wanted to go to the NBA like most kids who played sports as kids.

What career are you working toward?

I am pursuing a career in physical therapy. I want my own facility where people come after they are injured and need rehabilitation.

When you were in high school, how did you choose your career path?

I was late to commit to a scholarship I received for football. After that, I began to think of any and everything that could keep me connected to the sport.

Who inspires you?

My mom and other family members inspire me to do my best every day. My goal is to create a better life for them.

What three traits best describe you?

Diligent, loyal and hardworking.

What are your skills or talents that most people don't know about?

I am very tactful and strategic. I have a plan in mind for everything.

What's your favorite place in the world?

It definitely has to be my room.

If you could visit any place, you've never been, where would you go?

Japan with no questions asked. I've always wanted to go there since I was a kid growing up and watching anime.

What do you enjoy when you're not working or studying?

I enjoy playing NBA 2k with my friends or going to the gym and working out.

What are your favorite books and/or movies?

The Hunger Games is my favorite book, and my favorite movie is Twister.

Who is your favorite musician/band?

I don't really have a favorite. I listen to some of everything.

What is your favorite meal?

I love steak and potatoes, but when I actually cook it myself.

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