Community Partner Highlight: Friends of Shiloh Garden
Another week, another highlight! We are honored to speak to the volunteer coordinator of Friends of Shiloh Garden! Keep reading to see how you can be a a part of the movement.
- Your name and title?
- Nancy DiMarco, Volunteer Coordinator for Friends of Shiloh Garden
- What is your organization and what does it do?
Why do we serve you ask? This is the problem Shiloh seeks to solve: We not only want
to address hunger insecurity in our community but provide HEALTHY food to our neighbors
in need. If you care about this too, you can give the gift of healthy food at
- What is your organization’s mission?
- We feed hungry people.
- Why did you choose to work in this field?
- I am passionate about helping people to help themselves by teaching, helping, and modeling behaviors that can be replicated.
- What led you to work with the Center for Leadership and Service?
- I am a retired TWU professor, so it was natural to reach out to the universities to enlist their help in finding volunteers to help us!
- What is your favorite initiative that you have worked on so far?
- As a professor, I taught our Honors’ section of Nutrition and their project each semester was to learn how to garden, maintain their plot, grow food, harvest and then plan a meal with the food they had grown, write up their recipe and publish it in a recipe book. It was one of my most fun projects ever!
- What would you say to students who want to get involved?
- There is no better feeling than knowing you have helped another human being – our garden grows food for people who need fresh vegetables and eggs the most – the food is fresh out of the garden and delivered the day it is picked to 13 different food pantries and food kitchens in Denton. Come and share and learn valuable skills.
- To sign up to volunteer:
- To like us:¬if_t=page_fan_growth_drop&ref=notif
- To find out more about who we are and what we do, check out our new website: