Community Partner Highlight: Keep Lake Dallas Beautiful

A wonderful day to take to one of our lovely community partners! Keep reading to learn about Keep Lake Dallas Beautiful amd how you can help them out.

  1. Your name and title?
    1. Hayden Scarnato
    2. Code Compliance Coordinator / Management Assistant 
  2. What is your organization and what does it do?
    1. City of Lake Dallas 
    2. Keep Lake Dallas Beautiful 
  3. What is your organization’s mission?
    1. Keep Lake Dallas Beautiful’s mission is to inspire and empower residents of Lake Dallas, and volunteers alike, to help keep our community clean and beautiful. 
  4. Why did you choose to work in this field?
    1. Great question! I am fascinated by all things local government-related. Additionally, sustainability and caring for our natural resources is of great interest to me. I have the opportunity to serve residents while also working alongside them to help make our community as beautiful as possible. 
  5. What led you to work with the Center for Leadership and Service?
    1. Past KLDB projects and volunteer opportunities. 
  6. What is your favorite initiative that you have worked on so far?
    1. Our Fall Tree Planting event, held on Oct. 24, 2020. We successfully planted 24 native tree species at our Willow Grove Park and utilized volunteers from several different organizations. 
  7. What would you say to students who want to get involved?
    1. Start today! Volunteering with Keep Lake Dallas Beautiful is ongoing and allows anyone interested to make a direct and tangible difference in our community.