The Division of Student Affairs (DSA) and the College of Merchandising, Hospitality & Tourism (CMHT) are working to bring healthy, sustainable food choices to campuses across the country.
This fall, UNT Dining Services, a DSA department, and Priscilla Connors, associate professor in CMHT, are collaborating on a Rutgers University project that explores the understanding of fats in the diet and ways to encourage healthy choices. Previously they collaborated on a study of food signage and vegetable selection. This is just one example of the power of the collaborative and the impact of UNT engagement in these plant-forward projects.
In a separate collaboration, DSA and CMHT are working with the Menus of Change University Research Collaborative (MCURC) to bring healthy, sustainable foods to university campuses around the country. UNT is an active MCURC partner and serves as a real-world site for testing sustainable food options and waste reduction techniques.
This month, Daniel Armitage, DSA associate vice president for auxiliary services, joined CMHT's chef instructor Jodi Duryea and Connors, along with UNT Dining Services leaders, Matthew Ward, chef/general manager, Samantha Krysaka, assistant performance dietitian and Peter Balabuch, executive director, at the annual MCURC meeting. Results from completed projects were highlighted and plans for new ones discussed.
These most recent collaborations show how together DSA and CMHT are reaching across the table and around the country to make a difference locally, regionally and nationally.