While most students spend their spring break traveling or catching up on sleep at home, 9 UNT Greek Students spent their spring break doing service work at Peppers Ranch on the Greek Life Alternative Service Trip.
Peppers Ranch Foster Care Community seeks to "break the cycle" of child abuse and neglect through loving homes, counseling, and growth-oriented activities. By creating a network of caring foster parents and adult mentors on whom children can depend, Peppers Ranch foster care community is committed to providing a safe and secure environment where physical and emotional wounds can heal.
The mission of the University of North Texas' Alternative Service Breaks Program is to raise awareness of social issues and injustices through education and intensive service-learning experiences. Students are immersed in communities that will bring to the forefront social awareness and inspire lifelong action and friendships. Two students, Tayler Eernisse (Kappa Delta) and Valery Lara (Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc.) served as site leaders for the trip. They interviewed and selected all the trip participates and organized the logistics for the trip with Peppers Ranch. Valery shares that the trip “gave me the opportunity to give back to a community in an impactful manner and at the same time I was able to receive education on the foster care system and its importance. Surrounded by other Greek members' values we were able to develop relationships and share our values as we worked together to make a change. I hope to return to Peppers Ranch in the future as a volunteer and I am thankful this program brought this organization to my attention.”
Members from Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc., Kappa Delta, Alpha Delta Pi, Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc., and Delta Phi Omega were in attendance on the trip.