University of North Texas Dining Services receives a shout out in College Services magazine.

You’ll find accolades and praise for UNT’s Dining Services in the summer issue of College Services magazine. Neil Markely, president of the National Association of College Auxiliary Services (NACAS) and publisher of College Services magazine, paid a visit to UNT during the South Region CX Conference in Dallas.

“Danny Armitage, UNT associate vice president for auxiliary services and new NACAS South president, and his team provided us with an incredible showcase of products and services that made all of us swoon,” Markely wrote in his opening remarks of the magazine. “I don’t think I’ve seen a more impressed group in all of the campus tours I’ve been on since…14 years ago.”

Markely continued to comment on Dining’s baked goods, hydroponic gardens, full vegan dining hall, in-house butchering, Eagle’s Landing, and a soon-to-be-launched candy-making operation. He also applauded Matthew Ward, residential dining executive chef, for the behind-the-scenes tour of dining operations.

NACAS is a professional trade association that supports the non-academic segment of higher education responsible for generating business through a diverse array of campus services that students need and value – such as food services, bookstores, housing, and transportation.

Published quarterly, College Services magazine serves to enhance and add synergy to the connections between NACAS members.