Rachel Grimes, UNT Student Money Management Center (SMMC) assistant director for financial readiness, was the featured content expert for a Twitterchat on April 5 hosted by Wise Bread, a community of bloggers who help people live large on a small budget. Grimes shared tips to help college graduates manage their money.
The chat (#moneymonth2018 #WBChat) had 114 participants, reached more than 282K people and had more than 10.3 million impressions. View highlights from the chat here.
The Student Money Management Center is currently hosting the Ninth Annual Money Month during April 2018. During the month, the SMMC will present multiple programs that promote their services, including workshops, special events, resource fairs, tabling events and presentations.View a calendar of Money Month events here.
For more information on the SMMC, visit http://studentaffairs.unt.edu/student-money-management-center.
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Contact: Ray Willhoft, 940-565-2464, raymond.willhoft@unt.edu