Orange van with flowers that says "Commuter Week March 18-22"

Commuter Week is held every spring semester to honor and celebrate UNT students who commute to campus from outside of Denton. This week is also designed to create more awareness for our Commuters who have specific experiences. Commuter Week is filled with fun and informative events and programs offered by Non-Traditional and Commuter Student Support and other UNT Departments.Check back for more details!

  • Tuesday, March 19, Grab and Go, 11-1 @ Union Circle
  • Wednesday, March 20, Housing Fair, 11-1 @ Library Mall
  • Thursday, March 21, Cash Cab 10-12 @ Commuter Lots
  • Friday, March 22, Off-Campus Social, 5-7 @ Oak St. Drafthouse
  • Check back later to see what else will be offered to Commuter Students during this week!