Team and Advisors
For questions please contact:
Meet the Team
Raghu Ram Batreddi
Priyanka Katta
Tavious Johnson
Request a Presentation or Consultation
Looking to explore ways to get involved with leadership programs at UNT? Want to provide
leadership development to your student organization? Do you have leadership experience,
but don't know how to market your experience to graduate programs or employers?
Place a request for a leadership consultation with a Lead Ambassador!
Consultations last up to 30 minutes and requests need to be made at least 7 days in
advance. Consultations only offered Monday-Friday
Looking for a presentation regarding a leadership topic for your student organization
or staff? Place a request to have Lead Ambassador come present!
Presentation requests need to be made at least 2 weeks in advance.
Request a Presentation
Workshops To Go
Workshops To Go is a hands-on way to give students the opportunity to take ownership
of their leadership development by facilitating discussions and enhancing their leadership
skills, all while developing other students. Students can check out a leadership topic
themed kit which contains all of the proper materials in order to facilitate the topic
Workshops To Go Presentation Descriptions:
- Leadership 101
- Leadership Styles: Knowing your leadership style helps you understand your strengths and points out
areas where you may need to improve. It also defines your values and perspective,
and being aware of it can aid your communication with those you work with. Learn what
your leadership style is and how you can use it along with our tips to empower those
around you
- Servant Leadership: Learn the concepts of servant leadership and how you can apply this theory to leading
by serving others first.
- Transformational Leadership: Leadership is seen as a process where leaders and followers raise one another to
higher levels of morality and motivation. Learn how to transform your team by utilizing
four key components.
- Leadership & Values: Self-awareness is critical to understanding yourself as a leader. Beliefs shape our
values and influence our thoughts and actions. Learn how to identify your values and
understanding others in order to achieve a common purpose.
Social Change Model: Learn how to apply the 7 c's leadership approach in a purposeful, collaborative,
values-based process that results in improving your groups or communities.
- Team Building
- Ice Breakers/Group Activities: Interactive and fun group activities that will help to build team camaraderie.
- Stages of Group Development: Learn the five stages of group development that are all necessary and inevitable
in order for a team to grow. Take away tips to help your group function and run at
its very best.
- Communication
- Effective Communication: It is the leaders duty to communicate the vision and goals to the team so as to motivate
them to accomplish them with efficiency. Learn how to articulate your “why”, understand
the power of effective listening, and identify your communication style.
- Conflict Resolution: Conflict is inevitable and is uncomfortable to face depending on the situation. Learn
strategies to understand, embrace, and manage differences in opinion.
- Critical Thinking
- Goal Setting: Setting goals gives you a long-term vision and short-term motivation. Find out how
you can make your goals SMART and utilize your resources to maximize your future success.
- Ethical Decision Making: In this interactive presentation, students will explore what it means to lead with
ethics and learn how to make values based decisions, even through difficult times.
Workshop To Go kits can be reserved online and picked up from the Center for Leadership
and Service front desk located in Union 345.
Please schedule up to 30 minutes during pick up for a proper explanation of kit contents.
Kits can be checked out up to 5 days.
Workshops To Go Request