Danny Smith knows a good haircut can make a huge impact. Through his BladeSmith Barber College, Smith is partnering with UNT’s Dean of Students Office to provide them to students for free. Since the program began in the fall, more than 200 students have taken a seat in a barber’s chair.
“It is a blessing and feels really good to give out free haircuts,” said Smith. “It has been a great partnership with UNT. A haircut can do wonders; build self-esteem, builds confidence, makes them feel professional, and afterwards the students feel like a whole new person with their energy, positivity.”
The program has been such a success in fact that Smith is planning to partner with a local cosmology program to provide more services for female students.
Smith said the idea for the program began when one of his barbers came to campus looking to give free haircuts to students as a way to provide a much-needed service without any cost.
“One of our goals is to find ways to remove barriers for students,” said Renee McNamara, Associate Dean of Students. “Throughout COVID, we saw how many of our students had additional obstacles put in their way. This program is important because it gives students a chance to get a haircut by removing the obstacles of cost and transportation.”
“I know a lot of people on campus don’t know where to find a good barber around town, so it is really nice that the Dean of Students provides a service like this,” said UNT junior Deron Milan. “I plan on recommending my friends to BladeSmith.”
Milan’s feelings are shared by many of his fellow students.
“Some students’ focus is on paying rent and buying food, therefor haircuts aren’t a priority for some, so it’s great to see so many people take advantage of the program,” said junior Madison Moore. “Knowing you’re comfortable with what you look like and not worrying about paying for a haircut is pretty cool and I think that can help with daily performance at school and overall happiness.”
The next free haircuts event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, April 28. For any questions on this upcoming event, email deanofstudents@unt.edu.