The Eagle's Nest Fund


Eagle's Nest - Resource Meeting Presentation | Eagle's Nest Policy |  Eagle's Nest Guidelines | Eagle's Nest Application 


The purpose of The Eagle's Nest Fund is to assist registered student organizations with their programming; which can be defined as events.
The Student Government Association exists to serve the students, and by that fact, we exist to serve the organizations of the University of North Texas. Organizations help collect like-minded individuals for a common cause, which inherently improves campus life and study at UNT. Our purpose is to help fund any efforts made by student organizations in regard to event programming in order to help boost a healthy campus culture and promote involvement in different student organizations.

How to Apply

Fall 2024 Applications are now open!

In order to receive any funding, ALL of the following steps must be completed by a student organization:

  1. Revise the information in our Resource Presentation and check back to complete a quiz posted here over the material. 
  2. Complete the online application (via OrgSync) AT LEAST four (4) weeks in advance of the planned programming date.
  3. If your application is approved to be moved to the committee, your organization will present it to the SGA Eagle's Nest committee at a time set by the Director of Student Allocations.

Fund Information

Review the Eagle's Nest Guidelines for requirements and restrictions on funding, applying, and the guidelines for your presentations. 

Additionally, you can check out our Eagle's Nest Funding Policy for more detailed information. 

Resource Meetings

SGA Resource meetings are required before submitting an Eagle’s Nest application. Instead of attending a meeting in-person or via zoom all applicants are required to view the Resource Meeting presentation and complete the attached quiz before submitting their application. If you can’t access the presentation or have a problem with the application please reach out to the Co-Director of Eagle’s Nest at Stay up to date with information about The Eagle's Nest Fund and SGA by following us on Instagram @UNTSGA.


If you have any questions, please contact the Student Allocations Director or the SGA Office

Co-Director of Eagle's Nest

Alyssa Rudolph & Matthew Molito