The time is now! SGA Spring Elections are in full swing and applications to run for election are now closed. Campaign week (3/17-3/21) is a great opportunity to interact with candidates and what initiatives they aim to take for the student body. Learn about the candidates and their platforms through events this week and their social media promotion.
Events to attend this week and dates to look out for:
Have any questions? Visit our SGA Election page or email
Do you have a citation from the City of Denton? Attend our Court on Campus event! The Student Government Association is partnering with Student Legal Services for students who have received a citation within the City of Denton to appear before a judge on campus.
The event will be on Tuesday, April 15th from 10am-2pm in room Union 332, or the Senate Chambers. If you have a citation or warrant, you must contact Student Legal Services ( BEFORE the date on your citation to have your case moved to the Court on Campus date. If you have any questions, refer to the Court on Campus FAQ page below, or contact either organization at or
Please contact with any questions or concerns, we look forward to hearing from you.