Bella Cox

Bella Cox

Class of 2024, Integrative Studies with concentrations in Music, Hospitality Management and Communication Studies
"Being involved on campus has elevated my confidence and has made me an effective communicator. Collaborating with my peers in Camerata and Connect has helped me develop teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership skills."
What attracted you to UNT?

"I became interested in UNT because I loved the strong sense of community that can be found here. Everyone is so helpful and kind. The food is also really good!"

What student organizations, programs, activities are you involved in?

"I was involved in UNT choirs for four years. I loved singing in Camerata and had the opportunity to be a soloist and section leader. Last semester, I was also a member of Off-Campus Connect where I volunteered at events designed for our non-traditional students."

How has being involved helped you develop valuable skills that extend beyond the classroom?

"Being involved on campus has elevated my confidence and has made me an effective communicator. Collaborating with my peers in Camerata and Connect has helped me develop teamwork, problem-solving and leadership skills."

What advice would you give a student who is looking to make the most out of their college experience?

"There are a few things you should know. Be yourself, you are unique! Spread kindness, you can never have enough of it. Don’t be afraid to talk to people! Make friends in your classes and through campus events. Be involved! UNT has so many organizations and programs, be open to new experiences and try as much as you can. Lastly, take care of yourself! College is hard so be gentle and patient with yourself."

What do you like most about UNT?

"I love the amazing friends I’ve made!"

If you could recommend students attend one campus activity or event, what would it be and why?

Choir concerts! Tickets are free for students and attending is a nice way to support your friends.

Fun fact about you?

"I am part of the education team at SeaLife Grapevine! I love teaching guests about the diverse animals we have as well as encouraging ocean conservation. In my free time, I love spending time with my family and playing with my dogs."

What are your plans after graduating from UNT?

"I will be moving to Orlando, FL, to participate in my second Disney College Program! In the future, I hope to have a career in sports entertainment or theme park entertainment."