If you or someone you know is having a problem with drugs or alcohol, please contact us and we will help you locate a campus or community resource. Use the following to assess your current situation.


  1. Have you ever tried to cut down on drinking, smoking, or some other substance?
  2. Have you ever driven a car under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or some other substance? After having more than three alcoholic beverages?
  3. Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking smoking, or the use of some other substance?
  4. Have you ever had to have a drink the next morning after drinking the night before as an eye opener? Do you feel the need to smoke marijuana or take a stimulant to wake up in the morning?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it might be a sign that you have a substance use problem. Please contact us to speak about potential issues. We can refer you to the appropriate on or off campus resource to better understand your use of alcohol or other substances.