There are multiple ways to engage with We Mean Green Fund sustainability initiatives on campus. UNT students, staff and faculty can lead new projects, serve as WMGF ambassadors, participate in ongoing projects and attend WMGF hosted events.

Image of a students braintorming a projet on a wite board.
Have an idea to start an environmental project on campus? Learn how you can request funding for your project and leave a green legacy at UNT!
Image of Students Gardening
Connect with others through one of our projects ranging from gardening, prairie restoration, bike safety, pollinator and bird conservation, waste reduction, green energy and more!
Image of students with reusable items and plants.
Attend events and celebrations like the annual two-month-long Campus Race to Zero Waste campaign aimed at improving waste reduction efforts on campus. Look for more events coming soon!
Image of ommittee members tabling at an eent
Serve as an ambassador on the We Mean Green Fund Committee and contribute to the project evaluation process with fellow leaders.