The We Mean Green Fund (WMGF) provides funding for students, staff, and faculty members
of the UNT community to make our campus even greener! The fund is made possible by
the student body via the Environmental Service Fee which students self-imposed during
a student government election in 2010. Each student contributes $5 to the Environmental
Service Fee during the spring and fall semesters to support community-driven campus environmental sustainability projects.
UNT students and employees are invited to propose their ideas for new campus environmental
improvement projects to the WMGF Committee to be considered for funding and a chance
to lead a project that positively contributes to a meaningful cause. The WMGF relies
on shared engagement, enthusiasm, and leadership from students and employees to integrate
sustainability into the culture of our university’s many activities and operations.
The WMGF Committee, a student-led, student-majority campus committee, recommends the allocation of funds
from the student Environmental Service Fee to support environmental sustainability
projects at UNT.
Review the project eligibility criteria and request funding for your campus sustainability
WMGF project proposals are reviewed and selected by this student-majority, student-led
Find a way to connect your WMGF project to EJ and discover resources available to
The mission of the garden is to promote environmental education, grow food organically,
and foster a community on a greener, healthier future for everyone.
The Sustainable Arts Garden (SAG) is a space for students to embrace their creativity
and build community through use of natural resources to make art, while learning about
sustainability topics.
The UNT Bee Campus USA Committee, composed of students, staff, and faculty, is dedicated
to providing habitats for pollinators and educating the community about the importance
of pollinators in our everyday lives. These commitments have earned UNT the honor
of being named the 1st Bee Campus USA institution in Texas and the 12th in the nation
in 2016.
The UNT Bird Campus Committee (BCC) is a project created to educate the UNT community about the important role birds play in
helping us understand our ecosystem’s health, quality, and integrity.
The Pecan Creek Pollinative Prairie, a UNT We Mean Green Fund initiative, is a native
North Central Texas tallgrass prairie reconstruction project located on four acres
of the east field at the University of North Texas Discovery Park Campus.
Volunteer 75+ hours (or 50+ hours as a transfer or graduate student) toward anything
environmentally sustainable and recieve a graduation cord dyed with natural dyes from
our Sustainable Arts Garden!