Project Eligibility Criteria

Connection to Campus: Projects should directly address environmental sustainability on the University of North Texas campus or in the capacity that on-campus activities directly influence environmental sustainability in the surrounding community. 

Environmental Benefits: Projects should demonstrate a reduction in UNT's carbon footprint or provide other environmental benefits such as (but not limited to) stormwater management, biodiversity, conservation, waste reduction, clean energy & transport, etc.

Feasibility and Institutional Support: Projects should be feasible and have written confirmation of support from appropriate campus entities prior to submission. All projects must have the support of a UNT faculty or staff advisor who is committed to advising the project throughout its implementation and seeing it to completion.

Appropriateness of Schedule and Budget Request: Projects must have a feasible timeline and budget that are clearly defined and based on research. 

Student Experience: Projects include opportunities for student involvement and/or will positively impact the student experience. Direct student involvement in project planning and implementation is strongly encouraged. 

Education and Outreach: Projects consider education and outreach opportunities and include these elements as part of the project implementation plan. 

Metrics: Projects have clearly defined, measurable outcomes, backed by metrics.

Potential for Broad Application: Projects have the potential to be scalable across campus.

Self-Sufficiency: Projects should be self-sufficient without the need for continued management from the green fund. Project implementation should not rely exclusively on green fund staff for completion. Project leadership is the responsibility of the candidates who submit the proposal.

While not required, preference may be given to projects that can obtain matching funds from sources beyond the green fund or include a plan for sustained funding.

Project Timeline

Project proposals submitted in Spring 2024 that are selected to recieve funding will be implemented in the 2024-2025 fiscal year (September 2024-August 2025). Projects must be completed over a one year period, unless project was proposed as a multi-year project or if a funding extension was approved by WMGF Staff and Officers.

Quick-Proposal applications are for projects that conclude within a semester and are typically less than $3,000.00. Quick proposals are accepted on a rolling basis to be reviewed at the subsequent committee meeting after the WMGF office has received the project and necessary approvals.

Fall 2024 Dates 

Timeline Items

October 7th, 2024   Optional draft due to recieve feedback from the We Mean Green Fund (WMGF) Staff and Committee before the final deadline.
October 21st, 2024  Project proposals are due to be considered for Spring 2025 funding and implementation in January.
Late October-Early  November
WMGFC selects projects to be presented in-person (at the date below). Projects teams requesting over $3,000 in funding are required to present; however, the WMGF Committee may request projects under $3,000 to present.
Saturday, November 16th, 2024  Project teams will present project proposals to the student-majority WMGF Committee.
November-December 2024  WMGF Committee may request follow-up information and/or another presentation from project teams. The committee will deliberate and provide funding recommendations to UNT’s Division of Student Affairs leadership for final approval.
January 2025  Projects typically receive funding and begin implementation by January of the spring semester.
May 2025  Semester-long funded projects anticipated to conclude by the end of the spring semester (May).
August 31st, 2025  Project bills are paid no later than the end of August of the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Spring 2025 Dates 

Timeline Items

March 10th, 2025   Optional draft due to recieve feedback from the We Mean Green Fund (WMGF) Staff and Committee before the final deadline.
March 24th, 2025  Project proposals are due to be considered for Summer/Fall 2025 funding and implementation.
Late March-Early April
WMGFC selects projects to be presented in-person (at the date below). Project teams requesting over $3,000 in funding are required to present; however, the WMGF Committee may request projects under $3,000 to present.
Saturday, April 12th, 2025  Selected project teams will present project proposals to the student-majority WMGF Committee.
April-May 2025  WMGF Committee may request follow-up information and/or another presentation from project teams. The committee will deliberate and provide funding recommendations to UNT’s Division of Student Affairs leadership for final approval.
May 2025  Summer projects typically receive funding and begin implementation.
August 31st, 2025  Summer project bills are paid no later than the end of August of the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
September 2025  Fall projects recieve funding and begin implementation.
August 31st, 2026  Fall project bills are paid no later than the end of August of the 2025-2026 fiscal year. 

Project Approvals

If your project proposes physical changes to the university or new campus practices or procedures that will impact any department's functions or operations, you will be required to submit a Project Approval Form from appropriate campus entities confirming their support/approval of the project. Signed Project Approval Forms are requested from all project stakeholders whose involvement or approval is necessary for project completion. If you need assistance in identifying the entities from which your project might require approval, contact We Mean Green Fund staff at
Below are examples of potentially necessary project approvers depending on the project scope.
  • Art in Public Places Committee - oversees acquisition, placement, maintenance, and insurance for artwork installations
  • Athletics - oversees sporting events and activities
  • Building Managers/Proctors - oversees building-specific maintenance and operations
  • Deans or Department Chairs - oversees academic unit or area of concern to support students
  • Design Review Board - oversees approvals for any new building project such as ones related to improvements or construction affecting the campus exterior public space, existing building appearance, landscape, or campus aesthetic
  • Dining Services - oversees campus dining operations including retail options
  • Facilities - oversees construction, grounds maintenance, recycling, custodial, vehicle rentals, campus maintenance, key requests, and event support services
  • Housing - oversees residence life and residence halls
  • Risk Management - oversees emergency management, safety services, environmental health and safety, and insurance and claims
  • Student Affairs - provides students with support for academic success, social engagement, and personal/professional growth thorough various departments
  • Transportation Services - oversees campus parking and transit
  • University Brand Strategy and Communications - oversees UNT's branding approval, social media, advertising, and news and media relations

Funding Availability

The We Mean Green Fund Committee may allocate up to $100,000 to support projects that happen between Summer 2024-Summer 2025. Projects that receive funding must conclude by the end of the August 2025, therefore, the scope and budget of each project must be manageable by the deadline. Projects with smaller budgets of $20,000 or less have a stronger likelihood of receiving funding. However, you may propose a larger budget.

What you need to submit

For complete instructions and details about proposal requirements, review the We Mean Green Fund Project Proposal Guide. Additionally, you can find supplementary information in our presentation and handout.

A complete We Mean Green Fund project proposal includes the following materials. 

Interest Form

By submitting an Interest Form you express to the We Mean Green Fund staff that you are interested in applying for project funding. Submit one Interest Form per project to briefly define your project idea to the green fund staff. Interest Forms can be submitted at any time. After you submit an Interest Form, staff can offer feedback, confirm feasibility, connect you with appropriate campus entities, advisors, or team members, and provide guidance on how to move forward successfully and best compose your project proposal as a compelling narrative for the We Mean Green Fund Committee's review. If you have multiple members on your project team, only one individual needs to submit this form. 

Project Proposal Application

The Project Proposal Application provides the We Mean Green Fund Committee with a summary of your proposed project and the context of its feasibility and impact. It also identifies your project team and project advisor. The Project Proposal Application consists of prompts which must be completed to be considered for funding. In this application, you will submit information about how your project addresses environmental sustainability on campus, as well as provide information about the project timeline and budget. All We Mean Green Fund projects require a full-time UNT staff or faculty member to be an advisor for the project. This individual is responsible for aiding in the maintenance and implementation of the project throughout the project's lifespan and beyond the students' graduation if necessary.

Supplemental Budget Document
Project proposals must include a budget that is clearly defined and based on research. In addition to, or instead of the budget on the Project Proposal Application, project leads may use the provided Budget Excel template. When developing the budget, consider the project's needs for equipment, general materials or supplies, construction, publicity and marketing, personnel and wages, consultants, and more. Proposals including construction may require the assistance of a professional UNT cost estimator. Consult with the Green Fund staff first for budgeting or cost estimating questions.
Project Approval Forms
If your project proposes physical changes to the university or new campus practices or procedures that will impact any department's functions or operations, you must submit a Project Approval Form from appropriate campus entities confirming their support/approval of the project. Signed Project Approval Forms are requested from all project stakeholders whose involvement or approval is necessary for project completion (e.g., UNT faculty, staff, departments, organizations, external units, etc.).  Read more details under the Project Approvals tab.
Project Presentation

Projects requesting funding over $3,000 must present to the We Mean Green Fund committee. The goal of this presentation, or pitch, is to convey the importance of your project idea in a way that demonstrates your passion for advancing your sustainability mission on campus. The presentation or pitch should not use the written proposal as a word-for-word script; this presentation is supplemental and should help amplify your narrative with additional information, giving the committee a greater understanding of your project and intentions. Live presentations provide the opportunity to interact with and answer questions from the committee members. Presentations opportunities are not guaranteed until all proposal documents have been submitted and approved by the required campus and community partners. 

Presentations and video pitches should include the following information, at minimum: 

    • A passionate, yet brief, description of what your project is and why you are proposing it 

    • A mention of the project team (students, faculty, staff, departments, etc.) and who you will be working with to achieve the project. 

    • The budget request for your project 

    • How your project will impact the campus community (student impact and environmental impact) 

Time Limit: Presentations are limited to 10 minutes including a question-and-answer session. 

Questions & Accessibility

If you have questions or require a reasonable accommodation to complete your proposal because of a disability, please contact the WMGF team at 940-565-4587 or for assistance. Please make the request as soon as possible to allow sufficient time to arrange reasonable accommodation.

Ready to Submit?

If you have completed all of the above steps, please email all of the above documents and files to

Project Inspiration

Need some 'greenspiration'  for a project idea? Check out the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals and get creative to address sustainable development locally! The 17 goals were adopted in 2015 as a "universal call to action to protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030." Please note, We Mean Green Fund project proposals must have an environmentally-focused core as they are funded through the Environmental Service Fee. 

Sustainable Development Goals