The premier green building rating system in the United States is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, rating system. UNT currently targets LEED Silver or better for new buildings, but there has been minimal consideration for measuringgreen "US Green Building Council" certified logo with leaves in the middle the sustainability of older buildings against these standards. The We Mean Green Fund supported LEED Gap Analysis Intern Program and allowed for the evaluation of eight buildings on campus (Chestnut, EESAT, Gateway, Hurley Administration, Murchison, Radio/TV/Film, SRB, and Wooten) using students as evaluators under the direction of UNT Facilities staff. The data collection was so successful that it encouraged the students and facilities team to create another We Mean Green Fund proposal to get one or more buildings certified; the subsequent proposal was approved for the 2018 - 2019 fiscal year. By creating a professional LEED gap analysis report, the student leaders of this project gained educational and professional experience. They provided a framework of data that UNT Facilities could then use to identify areas performing well according to LEED standards and areas of campus that could be improved. 

This project was proposed in the spring of 2017, with support from UNT Facilities. It was officially implemented during the 2017 - 2018 fiscal year.