In Person Clinics

As ambassadors of The University of North Texas, we have a unique opportunity to
generate excitement and passion about our institution. With new opportunities on the
horizon, our mission remains the same: to grow school pride, excellence, and service to
our community. We want to provide our student-athletes with a unique and lasting

Cheer Clinics are from 2-5pm and you can Register here

  • Feb 16, location TBA
  • March 9, location TBA

*North Texas Cheer clinics are open to current Juniors and Seniors in High School and current college students

What Colors to Wear to Clinic
  • High School Seniors wear green
  • High School Juniors and below wear white
  • Current college students wear black


In addition to athletic & university events, the cheer teams practice three times a week
MWF from 6-8AM and 8-10AM. The spirit teams have an official partnership with Sports
Training participating in a minimum of two workouts a week. All spirit members are
required to be full-time students and maintain a minimum of a 2.25 semester, and
cumulative grade point average.

* All skills should be performed on dead mat surface.


  • Ladies - Required skill: back tuck. Be prepared to execute 4. Preferred
    skills: toe touch back tuck, back handspring back tuck/layout/full, and
    standing full.
  • Men - Preferred skill: Back tuck.


Required skills: 2 tumbling passes with a minimum of 3 elements in each
pass ending in a back tuck or greater. Preferred skills: punch front step
out, whip, arabian, full and other advanced/elite skills.

  • Example of minimum tumbling pass: Roundoff, back handspring, back
  • Example of preferred tumbling pass: Punch front step out, roundoff, back
    handspring, full.


  • All-Girl – Full up (2 feet); Inversions (preferred BHS/FHS up); Body
    Position with a Double Down Dismount
  • Coed– Required skills: toss extension and toss hands bump n’ go.
    Preferred skills: toss cupie/awesome, full up, rewind, back/front
    handspring up, hand in hand, and other advanced/elite level skills.

Prelim Videos – TBD
Videos include an introduction, answers to interview questions, performance of the fight
song, jumps to tumbling, running tumbling, and standing tumbling. Eligible participants
will need to register on or before TBD

In-Person Finals – TBD
At finals be prepared to execute the minimum required stunt requirements. You will also
have an opportunity to showcase more elite stunts and dismounts once minimum
requirements are executed. Be prepared to showcase all prelim material at the request
of the judging panel.
*Please download our Tryout Packet PDF for more information.