Save the Date

Thursday, April 24, 2025

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Library Mall


Join us for live entertainment, local vendors and student organizations, food, and educational activities - free with current UNT ID! As in previous years, UNT Dining Services has dedicated their time to securing a sustainable, vegan menu. In order to make this a low-waste event, we will be featuring recycling and composting.


EarthFest is collaboratively hosted by Student Activities, the We Mean Green Fund, and UPC. Learn more about the collaborating partners:


EarthFest would not be possible without the support of community sponsors who join us for this event. Sponsorship for EarthFest is an invaluable opportunity to interact with over 2,500 students, market your business and sustainable mission or product, and make connections within the UNT community. In return for your generous sponsorship, we provide perks that allow additional marketing opportunities for your entity, as well as event-day perks that will enhance your experience at EarthFest! Please be certain to read the sponsor packet prior to registering and paying.

Non-Profit Businesses

Students attending UNT can benefit greatly from experiencing all of the non-profit entities that make Denton unique and special. To better serve you and our students at this event, we are offering a special pricing for non-profit busiesses (certified 501(c)3 non-profit organizations).


If you are unsure if your organization qualifies for either of these special offers, please contact Student Activities at for more information.


EarthFest is a great opportunity for student organizations and departments to showcase their services to over 2,500 UNT students and employees. We encourage organizations and departments who are interested in participating at EarthFest to also host a small activity or provide educational information highlighting sustainability.



Need some service hours? We always need volunteers to make our events run smoothly. Whether you help for an hour or the entire event, we truly appreciate your assistance and dedication to running a successful event.

Need Accomodations?
Please contact Student Activities at 940-565-3807 at least 7 days prior with questions or to request special accommodations.

Thank you 2023 Sponsors