Hooves and Paws Pet Hospital hosted Strickland UNT Talent Search 8th Grade Students on a tour of their facility. The students learned about the different aspects of veterinarian medicine from the lab to the stable. Thank you, Hooves and Paws!!!

collage of vet hospital visit


Our own Mrs. Van Bunnen had the opportunity to commune with a cute koala on a recent trip to Australia and New Zealand! Ask her about the deer!!

woman and koala

Coming Up in March '25

Strickland Talent Search students will be headed out to visit some local businesses and UNT campus sites in March to learn more about careers:

March 5 - Hooves and Paws, Aubrey, TX

March 19 - Medical City Argyle, Argyle TX

March 20 - UNT College of Visual Arts and Design, Denton TX

March 25 - El Matador Restaurant, Denton TX

March 26 - UNT Discovery Park, Denton TXMarch 31 - UNT Law Presentation, Denton TX

February '25

UNT Talent Search students practiced the questions they will ask on their career field trips in March. What good questions they came up with!! "Did you have to go to college to do this job? What are the best parts of your job? What days/hours do you work? Do you spend a lot of time with other people? " 

Permission forms for the March career field trips will be handed out later in the month at school. Trips coming up include UNT Discovery Park, UNT College of Visual Arts and Design, UNT Law, Paws and Hooves Veterinarian Clinic in Aubrey, Medical City Argyle, and a local business TBA. All field trips are FREE to our students and include lunch and transportation. 

January '25 

High School prep is underway! UNT Talent Search students learned the difference between Endorsements and Career Pathways and helped each other discover where their  own top career  choice lined up. They were ready for the RHS Counselors to come the next week and sign up for their courses for high school. 

students at table
And there is ALWAYS pizza!!!
skating rink with skaters
Lone Star Events and Sports were GREAT hosts!
Skaters helping each other!

December '24 FUN!

This month the whole group of Talent Search students (59) went to the Lone Star Events and Sports to roller skate! The students showed cooperation, respect for each other and the adults,  taught each other how to skate, and helped pick each other up when they fell:) There was a LOT of FALLING and a LOT of LAUGHTER!!!! 

The next workshop will be January 21, 22, and 23. See you then!


November '24 Career Exploration

Talent Search students filled out a survey with their top 3 career choices so that their advisors can start planning the spring FIELD TRIPS! It looks like many of them are interested in medical fields, law and law enforcement, business, and the arts.


October '24 Workshop with PIZZA

This October, we changed up our meeting time so that we could have a working lunch with pizza and other goodies. With plenty of time to enjoy lunch the students also had time to explore the career they are most interested in on www.careeronestop.org. They found out about salaries, job availabilities, education and experience needed. Students are encouraged to look up as many occupations/careers as they want. The SKY IS THE LIMIT! 

Talent Search September '24:

Talent Search 8th graders attended their first workshop of the year on September 20. Strickland hosted a Career Fair (way to go SMS Counselors!) that morning and the students  shared their impressions. Some take-aways: it was really exciting that the FBI showed up and there was a wide variety of occupations represented, from auto mechanics to the recycling center to real estate and law! Talent Search students will be doing an Interest Survey on www.careeronestop.com to get their brains started on their career plans. They will meet again on Oct. 11.

Strickland Middle School 2023-2024:

The 8th grade Talent Search students spent the fall researching possible career options. In the spring they
chose a field trip to explore a career they were specifically interested in. We visited the Nelson+Morgan
architecture/interior design firm, a video/animator producer, Medical City Argyle, spoke with a UNT lawyer
about various law careers, toured the Denton Community Theatre, and the Denton Police department where
we were able to experience making molds of “evidence” in the forensic lab.

SMS StudentsSMS StudentsSMS Students

Strickland middle school talent search students toured UNT's discovery park


STRICKLAND MS TALENT SEARCH STUDENTS toured UNT Discovery Park and learned all about their engineering programs. One of the engineering concepts they learned about was circuitry. Students learned about how electrons flow through circuits and travel between positive and negative terminals of a power source, such as a battery. After learning about these concepts, students assembled functioning flashlights utilizing popsicle sticks, copper wire, a battery, and electrical tape attached to an LED light!


Talent search students stand with medical gift bags


WISE HEALTH SURGICAL CENTER in Argyle offered our TS students the most fantastic career day! Medical professionals gave presentations and spoke with our students about their career fields.

We learned all about the healing powers of a hyperbaric chamber and robotic surgery! We explored various types of imaging. We even got to speak to one of the most skilled surgeons as she gave us a presentation of her surgical tools. The staff were so attentive and personable with our students. We love you so much, Wise Health Surgical Center! More pictures to come…