We work with Off-Campus Housing Source to provide a webpage, offcampushousing.unt.edu, dedicated to helping students find off-campus housing in the greater Denton area. On this page, you can find or post ads for apartments and homes for lease or rent. The page also hosts a roommate and sub-lease search application, free for UNT students. If you are looking for family-style housing instead of student housing and unable to find what you are looking for, select "Contact Us" in the top menu bar of that page and complete the contact form. Off-Campus Housing Source will reach out and help you directly.

Need some help? Check out the video below: "Off-Campus Housing 101", a presentation that includes information on Non-Traditional and Commuter Student Support (1:46), how to search for off-campus housing in the Denton area (10:43), and legal perspectives related to housing (37:28). This presentation is brought to you by OCSS, Off-Campus Housing Source, and UNT Student Legal Services.

Quick Tips for Landing Off-Campus Housing

  • Always Get a Tour

    Always Get a Tour

    Before making any major purchase, ask to see the place you plan to move into. All properties should be willing to give you a tour, and in most cases, you can reserve a date and time with the property manager. Examine every property of your interest and see if it is the one for you and your roommates. Contact the property managers directly for the best customer service, pricing and assistance. 

  • Establish a Relative Budget

    Establish a Relative Budget

    Signing a lease is a big deal; before you sign your name you should consider a number of factors. Establish a monthly budget to determine the costs of living off-campus. Consider food, transportation (gas and insurance), rent, utilities, internet, and other expenses that you may have. Find a place that fits your budget and living needs, and is a reasonable distance from school, work, etc. Most contracts are for either 9 months or a full calendar year, so think ahead for possible timing conflicts. Before you sign a lease, be sure that you can make these commitments and that they can be upheld until the conclusion of your leasing term. The UNT Student Money Management Center is an excellent place to learn how to get started on a budget. 

  • Ask About Bills

    Ask About Bills

    When discussing leasing contracts with a property manager, ask about Utilities (electricity, sewer, etc.) and what is included in your rent. Each property has a different method of collecting bills, and you should be aware of your options. Also, ask if you must make arrangements for utilities before your move-in date or if the property manages the utilities for you. Make a list of what each property provides (Including internet, cable, shuttle service, gym, maintenance support, etc.)

  • Read Your Contract

    Read Your Contract

    Before signing a lease, ensure you know exactly what you are signing. Every person intending to sign the lease should thoroughly read the contact. Be sure to understand if you are renting a single room or splitting an apartment unit among roommates listed on the contract. Be sure to read the fine print and highlight important dates and information. Ask questions of property managers over terms you do not understand and, if needed, seek legal assistance to verify the authenticity of your contract. UNT Student Legal Services is a great resource and is free for UNT students. 

  • Don't Give Up

    Don't Give Up

    Non-Traditional and Commuter Student Support is here to support your success. Should you ever need any help, please don't hesitate to contact us. We can help you navigate university resources such as parking or bus routes with Transportation Services, or look into a Commuter Meal Plan through Dining Services. Additionally, you need personal assistance navigating a housing search in the greater Denton area, fill out the contact request form here. For additional assistance, contact Non-Traditional and Commuter Student Support at ocss@unt.edu, (940) 565-3807, or stop by our office Union 345.

  • Begin Your Roommate Search

    Begin Your Roommate Search

    One of the quickest ways to locate housing off-campus is to find students who already have a place to live and are in need of a roommate, or who are looking to sublease their place. Our online roommate search can be found here. Read through the Roommates and Sub-Leases section below to explore how to find other students in need of a place to share! 

Finding a Roommate

The Off-Campus Housing Source website allows you to create a profile to find potential roommates, or have potential roommates find you! This service is free for current UNT students.  

Start Your Roommate Search

  • Go to the UNT Off-Campus Housing Source website: offcampushousing.unt.edu
  • If creating a new profile, click "Account" on the right on the menu bar, then click "Sign Up", and enter your EUID and password to log in; if you already have a profile, click "Log In"
  • Once logged in, click on "Account" again, where you can create or update your profile by clicking "View/Update Profile;" note that you can control your roommate preferences, privacy settings or hide/delete your account at any time
  • Once your profile is completed, you will be able to conduct a roommate search and/or potential roommates will be able to find you, at which point you can connect to determine if you are right for each other

Finding a Good Roommate Fit

It is your responsibility to contact potential roommates, communicate your desires and needs, and determine if the potential roommate is a good fit for you. It is likewise the potential roommate's responsibility to determine if the fit is good fit for them. No matter what, trust your gut and err on the side of safety when making decisions for yourself. 


  • Create interview questions (see below for examples)
  • Create a list of expectations to discuss with your potential roommate (e.g., is it okay to eat each other's food, what time of night would you like it to be quiet by so you can go to bed)
  • Meet in a public place
  • Always tell someone where you're going and how long you plan on being there

When speaking with a potential roommate, you may want to consider or ask about, but not limited to, the following:

  • Are you a morning or evening person?    
  • Do you have a job? How do you pay your bills?
  • What time do you typically go to bed and wake up?
  • What's your typical schedule?
  • Have you ever had a problem with roommates before?
  • How often do you clean?
  • What's your monthly budget for everything related to housing (e.g., rent, utilities, internet)?
  • If we had a disagreement, how would you prefer to resolve it?
  • How often do you have guests over? Will you have overnight guests? Do you host social events?
  • What amenities and services do you need or prefer (e.g., laundry, parking, pool, trash pick-up, fitness center, etc.)?
  • What are your preferred security preferences or services?
  • How close to campus do you prefer to be?
  • Do you have furniture? If so, what?


Life has all kinds of unexpected turns, and you have to adjust your plans. This may mean you can no longer live in your place, but you can't get out of your lease! This is where subleases can help. Subleases are when another person takes over someone else's lease and continues full or partial payment (whichever is negotiated as allowed by the property owner). Off-Campus Housing Source is a good place for you to post your sublease or find a sublease if you want a short-term living arrangement. This service is free for current UNT students.

Start Your Sublease Search/Post

  • Go to the UNT Off-Campus Housing Source website: offcampushousing.unt.edu
  • If creating a new profile, click "Account" on the right on the menu bar, then click "Sign Up", and Enter your EUID and password to log in; if you already have a profile, click "Log In"
  • Once logged in, click on "Account" again and click on "Sublet/Relet Listing" 
  • Enter your sublease information when prompted; note that you can control your sublease preferences, privacy settings or hide/delete your account at any time
  • Once your profile is completed, you will be able to conduct a sublease search or post your sublease

Finding a Good Sublease Fit

It is your responsibility to contact potential sub-lessors/lessees, communicate your desires and needs, and determine if the situation is a good fit for you. It is likewise the potential sub-lessor/lessee's responsibility to determine if the fit is a good fit for them. No matter what, trust your gut and err on the side of safety when making decisions for yourself. 


  • Create interview questions (see below for examples)
  • Do an internet search for subletting tips (e.g., type the address into Google Earth to look at a picture of the property to make sure it's legitimate) and avoiding scams 
  • Meet in a public place
  • Always tell someone where you're going and how long you plan on being there
  • Note that if something seems too good to be true (e.g., rent is significantly lower than it should be), it probably is
  • If you find a match as a sub-lessor/lessee, ensure the completion of a sub-lease agreement

When speaking with a potential sub-lessee or sub-lessor, you may want to consider or ask about, but not limited to, the following:

  • Does the apartment or landlord allow for subleases? It should say in the leasing agreement.
  • What is the living arrangement? Will there be roommates? Is it a house or an apartment?
  • What are the rules and conditions for the sublease?
  • What is the duration of the sublease?
  • How are the rent payments to be made?
  • What utilities will be included (or not included) in the rent? If not included, how are utilities payments made?
  • Can the sublease be voided at any time?
  • When is it available for move-in? When would I need to move out?
  • Is there a security deposit?
  • Is the property furnished?

Community Resources

Helpful links for Denton & the surrounding area.

Off-Campus Student Legal Services

Here is a provided list of Student Legal Services that may be helpful for off-campus students:

For a full list of legal services, visit UNT Student Legal Services

Housing Fairs

UNT's Housing Fair, held in both Fall and Spring, connects students with representatives from local apartment properties and student-living communities, as well as housing resources, all in one place. With properties bringing floor plans, information about amenities, price breakdowns, and move-in specials, the Housing Fair helps students find housing in the City of Denton. Additionally, UNT departments and community partners participate in providing important information and resources related to living off-campus housing. 

2023-2024 Housing Fair Dates:

  • July 26th from 11:00 am-1:00 pm Join the Virtual Housing Fair!
  • October 11th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Library Mall
  • March 6th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Library Mall


Off-Campus housing vendors are invited to participate. Registration details and fees will be posted soon. 

If you are a housing vendor interested in participating, send an email to OCSS@unt.edu to be added to the invitation list. 

Community Partners

Community partners include UNT Departments and any off-campus non-profit, state, or local government or community agency that can provide valuable information to UNT students related to living off-campus. There is no registration fee for community partners. After registration, more information and instructions will be sent to you. 

If you are a community partner interested in participating, please email us at OCSS@unt.edu to be added to the invitation list.