The value of Fraternity and Sorority Life for students who choose to participate is the melding of almost every segment of the campus community into one cohesive program. Fraternities and sororities promote the experience of self-governance, leadership development, academic achievement, community service, social opportunities and friendship.

Collegiate Panhellenic Council
The Collegiate Panhellenic Council is the governing body of the eight National Panhellenic Conference affiliated sororities at the University of North Texas.
Interfraternity Council
The Interfraternity Council is the governing body of the 12 all-men fraternities at UNT, some of which,are members of The North American Interfraternity Conference. IFC serves to enrich the fraternity experience, advance and grow the fraternity community, and enhance the educational experience of fraternity members.
two students planting a plant in soil
Multicultural Greek Council
The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) is the governing council for the 12 culturally-based Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities at UNT. The purpose of the Multicultural Greek Council is to unify all multicultural organizations, to further promote diversity and unity throughout the community, and to encourage cooperation and cohesion among member organizations and other organizations on campus.
student talking to visitor at table
National Pan-Hellenic Council
The National Pan-Hellenic Council is a collaborative umbrella council composed of nine historically African American fraternities and sororities, commonly called the Divine Nine, and also referred to as Black Greek Letter Organizations.


Group of UNT Students Planting Plants In Soil
Greek Graduation Ceremony
All students who participate in fraternity and sorority are acknowledged in the Greek Graduation Ceremony at the end of the semester. 
Bid Day celebration
Greek Week
The Greek Programming Board organizes Greek Week. During this week, Greek community members come together to show the University how great it is to be Greek.
Group of Students Posing for a Greek Life Photo
Greek Leadership Certificate

The Greek Leadership Certificate is a program designed to develop and enhance leadership skills among members of the fraternity and sorority community. Participants gain valuable insights into effective leadership, teamwork, and the responsibilities of being a leader within both their fraternity or sorority and the broader community.

Greek Awards
The Greek Awards Ceremony is an annual tradition held to commemorate and honor excellence in performance, scholarship, service, and leadership in the previous year. 
3 women smiling

Want To Join?

We strive to create a unified campus through positive relations with the administration, faculty, and all CFSL and non-CFSL student organizations.

If you think you may be a good fit or have any other questions, we are here for you.


What does Fraternity and Sorority Life have to offer University of North Texas students?

The fraternity and sorority community at the University of North Texas is comprised of 38 (inter)nationally affiliated fraternity and sorority organizations. Many students find that joining a fraternity or sorority provides them a home away from home and a foundation upon which to build a new and exciting future. In addition, the University of North Texas fraternity and sorority community opens many doors by providing leadership, academic, service, social and interpersonal opportunities. The decision to join a fraternity or sorority is a lifelong commitment with an organization that stands for the best things college has to offer.

How does a student become involved with Fraternity and Sorority Life at UNT?

Each semester, the four governing councils of all organizations host a number of organized "Recruitment" events – opportunities for non-affiliated students to become acquainted with the fraternity and sorority community. During recruitment, non-affiliated students have the opportunity to visit all fraternities and sororities to meet the members and decide which, if any, of the chapters best suit their needs. The Recruitment process is one of mutual selection in which fraternity and sorority members invite individuals to be a part of their organizations, and likewise, potential members select the chapters that are best suited for them. Some recruitment processes are very casual, while others are more formal in structure. Even if students are unsure about joining the fraternity and sorority community, recruitment offers a great opportunity to meet new people!

Can fraternity/sorority membership help students be academically successful?

Greek-lettered organizations were founded on the principle of academic achievement. Scholastic success is in the student's favor when you factor in help from fellow brothers and sisters, study sessions, workshops about study skills, test taking strategies, time management, and class scheduling assistance. Each fraternity or sorority provides some form of scholastic assistance to their members; tutoring, awards, and academic scholarships are just a few of the many incentives used to challenge members to reach their highest academic potential. Ultimately, the responsibility for succeeding in the classroom is up to the individual student. But, with the broad range of resources and incentives provided by the fraternity and sorority community and the university, students can better achieve their academic potential.

Why should I join a fraternity or sorority at UNT?

Becoming a member of the fraternity and sorority community will provide you with a number of experiences that will help you prepare for not only a career, but also for life. These advantages include developing leadership skills by chairing a committee or assuming an executive board position; succeeding academically with the help of organized study hours; increasing awareness and knowledge of a variety of topics such as alcohol awareness, risk management, multiculturalism, and healthy behaviors; and developing enduring friendships and memories that last long after graduation. The following are a few of the many areas in which you can benefit through participation in Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of North Texas:

At the University of North Texas, the fraternity and sorority community is committed to providing its members with vast opportunities for leadership responsibilities. Each member is encouraged to actively participate in chapter and campus-wide leadership roles. fraternity and sorority members also develop leadership skills through leadership retreats, national conventions, and other resources available on campus, in addition to the learning and self-discovery associated with holding a leadership position.

The fraternity and sorority community strives for the development of academic excellence among all members. All chapters at the University of North Texas maintain GPA requirements for both membership and for assuming major leadership positions. The Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life places a strong emphasis on academic success. All chapters work diligently each semester to achieve GPAs above the all-student average. 

Community service and philanthropy work are an important aspect of Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of North Texas. Chapters offer hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars each year to fulfill their commitment to both the campus and the community. Funds raised and time donated directly benefit local and national charitable organizations.

The fraternity and sorority community provides a unique social life which blends events such as formal dances, sports, Greek Week, Homecoming, theme parties, and brotherhood/sisterhood functions to encourage the personal development of members through social contact. Each chapter develops its own social calendar and is encouraged to responsibly plan events which promote a full spectrum of social activities for its members.

Will Fraternity and Sorority Life assist students as they begin their careers?

One of the tremendous assets of affiliation with a fraternity/sorority is the nationwide network of alumni/ae members of the organization. As a student prepares for entry into the career world, alumni/ae members can assist in job placement through their knowledge of where jobs are and who is hiring. In addition, the fraternity and sorority experience will assist students in developing transferable skills that will be needed in the career world, such as management, leadership development, communications, and more!

What kinds of costs are involved in joining a fraternity or sorority?

Joining a fraternity or a sorority does have a financial commitment. The chapters are self-supporting through dues paid by their members. When students join a fraternity/sorority, they also agree to pay dues and fees while in school to maintain membership. Although chapters may make accommodations for special needs, students should discuss the financial obligations with their parents or guardians before deciding to join.

Each chapter has different dues for membership that cover such things as chapter and national dues, dues to the governing council, your membership badge, social activities, resources, and other miscellaneous costs. Many chapters also offer payment plan options for those interested.

What is the time commitment involved in belonging to a fraternity or sorority?

While there are certain attendance requirements, a well-balanced schedule is encouraged for all members. Through involvement with the chapter, students will learn to better manage their time by balancing academics, work, and other commitments. Academic commitments are the first priority and many members hold student jobs as well. fraternities and sororities are conscientious of the full schedules that most students have and offer flexibility as much as possible. Students find that being active in a fraternity or sorority is well worth the time they put into it.

Are fraternities and sororities really like the actors in Animal House or Stomp the Yard?

Many people have the misconception that the image of fraternities and sororities depicted in Animal House is really what is happening on college campuses across America. In reality, the Animal House image of the fraternity and sorority community could not be further from the truth.

The University of North Texas fraternity and sorority community promotes responsibility in our activities. The governing councils encourage responsibility in a number of ways. Through judicial boards, chapters, and governing councils, we hold accountable those members of the community who do not act appropriately.

What about hazing in fraternities and sororities?

Fraternities and sororities were founded on strong moral, social, and academic principles. Hazing, or any activity which subjects members to harassment, intimidation, physical exhaustion, or mental distress is entirely contrary to those founding principles. Each of the (inter)national organizations at the University of North Texas as well as the University Code of Student Conduct and state law forbid hazing in all student activities at the University.

What does being in a fraternity or sorority really mean?

Membership in a fraternity or sorority is a lifetime commitment. Membership within the fraternity and sorority community means working with a group of men or women who can exchange dialogue and stand for common goals and ideas while being held to a higher standard than other college students. The fraternity and sorority experience during the college years is a gateway to many rewards and connections later in life.

Chapter members develop a special bond with one another called brotherhood or sisterhood. Both are nurtured through common work, laughter, service projects, intramurals, and the shared successes and challenges of all. Throughout the student's life, membership will be an unwritten bond of friendship no matter what course his/her life takes.

How do I get involved?

Browse our website for specific council recruitment information and contact the Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life at 940-369-8463 or at cfsl@unt.edu