Each Monday, DSA Assessment will send an infographic with a metric related to our work in student affairs. Metrics will be shared from card swipe and engagement data, department annual report submissions, and other data sources.

Want your department featured in Metric Monday? Send your metric to DSAassessment@unt.edu. We will work with you to design an infographic and distribute via email and social media channels.

2022 Infographics


 Kudos to the Dean of Students office for another busy year managing the UNT Food Pantry presented by Kroger. This year they served 3,952 individual students across 13,077 total trips to the pantry.

The First-Generation Success Center provides our first-generation students with a variety of resources to support their success across all our campuses. Through a variety of programs ranging from late night study breaks, interview and resume workshops, 1:1 appointments and more, the FGSC served 4,430 students at the Denton main campus, Discovery Park, Frisco and Health Science Center this school year.

Counseling and Testing Services provides much-needed programs and services for our students, providing over 10,000 personal appointments. However, CTS also provided 36 workshops and special events last year, giving nearly 1,500 students access to no-appointment-needed mental health programming.

The Career Center's First Year Career Readiness Seminar Course is already having a big impact on students. Students report a 33 percentage point growth in their understanding of how to build a professional network and a 47 percentage point growth in how to access career coaching, and this is just the first year.

Shout out to University Program Council for making sure there are always great programs and events going on around campus. So far this school year, UPC events have recorded 25,158 student touchpoints for over 8,000 individual students.

The Career Center's Many students at Discovery Park take most, if not all, of their classes on that campus. The Center for Student Affairs at Discovery Park tailors its services to the students it most frequently serves. 2,004 students have recorded engagements with the office this semester. They are older than our main campus students; they have mean age of 23 and 82% are seniors (29%) or post-graduate students (masters 43%, doctoral 10%).

The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals. Through programs like Upward Bound and Talent Search, TRIO helps pre-college students choose their higher-ed path and work through the process to get where they are going. Student Support Services is here on campus to serve those students that chose to come to UNT. Student Support Services set a goal that 87% of these SSS students would be retained, and they exceeded their goal by 10% with 97.29%.

The Career Center's Eagle Access Card Swipe is getting more robust year after year. We've recorded 135,299 swipes so far this school year across 36 departments and programs, exceeding last year's pace both in total swipes and active accounts. Of those, the Division makes up just over half of the active accounts at 55%, with 20 DSA departments and projects in the system. However, we represent 85% of the swipes in the system with 115,678 swipes so far this school year. If you would like to use card swipe with your team, email the assessment team to get started.

Project CEO is a national study to determine how students believe they are gaining marketable skills. When asked what experiences that have contributed most to their career development students reported…Top experiences listed (student could select multiple options, thus the total exceeds 100%), 54% co-curricular, 33% internships/practical experiences and 30% on-campus job.

The Career Center's The students we serve are engaging the university online more than ever. Last school year 70% of our student body took at least some classes online, 16% took at least nine hours online and 6% took at least 12 hours. With rising enrollment trends, more online programs and course offerings each year and new positions dedicated to serving online students, the college experience is ever-evolving.

The Division of Student Affairs has over 550 full-time staff members made up of 5 generations. One percent Silent Generation, 16% Baby Boomers, 30% Generation X, 37% Millennial, and 16% Generation Z.

With more than 450 student organizations on campus, the Student Activities Center is a great place to help students get involved and apply their skills. Student organization leaders recently participated in Project CEO, a national study that investigates how students believe they are gaining marketable skills identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Ninety-three percent of UNT students reported that co-curricular opportunities led to skills growth, that's 14% higher than the national average.

We Mean Green Fund provides funding and opportunities for students, faculty and staff to help make our campus greener. Nearly 2,000 volunteer hours were logged in service of North Texas environmental efforts. Last year, We Mean Green Fund saw a 44% increase in students who earned an environmental volunteerism graduation cord.

The University Program Council (UPC) is UNT's student-run programming board devoted to planning and implementing events for students that are educational, social, cultural and entertaining. Last fall, UPC has engaged with 5,891 individual students through 15,105 programmatic touchpoints. Cheers to UPC for always making sure there are engaging events for our students.

The Career Center has been focusing on providing engaging digital content for students and employers. Last year, after adding Candid Career video content, redesigning the employer landing page, adding meet the career coaches pages for every college, adding college specific resume examples and more. The Career Center ended up with over 150,000 unique web users on their site, culminating in 607,458 total page views on their site last year.