UNT Goes GreenSense


The University of North Texas is committed to a sustainable future that supports the environment. One of the ways we express this commitment is through purchasing renewable energy credits (RECs). A REC is an energy market commodity created to encourage clean power generation. Funds generated from selling RECs make their way to renewable energy producers through grants and other financial support that promotes continued growth and expansion of renewable energy facilities. A company that purchases a REC directly contributes to expanding the availability of sustainable energy sources.

Thanks to funding from the “Green Sense” initiative, a We Mean Green Fund-sponsored program, UNT purchases solar and wind RECs. These credits offset the university's greenhouse gas emissions.

Between September 2020 and August 2021, UNT purchased enough RECs to account for 13% of its electricity use, which equates to 14,638 megawatts (MWh). The Green Sense initiative allows UNT to support renewable energy sources because those funds provide a demand signal to the renewable energy market for sustainable energy sources, like solar and wind.

Investing in renewable energy sources at UNT goes beyond REC purchases. The university constantly investigates ways to improve building energy efficiency, conducts energy conservation campaigns to raise, and generates in-house renewable energy through the iconic wind turbines stationed next to the LEED Platinum certified Apogee Stadium and solar panels atop both the UNT University Union and Discovery Park Net Zero Energy Building.

Between September 2020 and August 2021, UNT contributed 14,638,000 kilowatts (kWh) of green power, cutting down 10,374 metric tons of CO2. That is equivalent to taking 2,256 passenger vehicles off the road.

Through the purchases of RECs throughout the years, UNT has consistently ranked in the top 30 universities that support renewable energy as part of the US Environmental Protection Agency's College and Universities Green Power Partnership group.