P.U.S.H. (Persevere UNTil Success Happens)

Our Objectives
  • To identify, recruit, engage, support, retain, and graduate UNT students who have experienced foster care
  • To provide a dedicated point of contact for current and potential UNT students who have experienced foster care 
  • To assess student financial, academic and social needs upon admission to UNT and to connect students with supportive services on campus and in the community for the duration of their academic career
  • To connect students to faculty and staff mentors who help set and navigate goals and career aspirations through programmatic efforts of the UNT Division of Student Affairs and the UNT Department of Social Work
  • To track outcomes of students enrolled in the PUSH Initiative to determine program effectiveness with regard to student recruitment, retention, and graduation rates 



push tabling at the spring fling event


  • Support for students who have experienced foster care
  • Provide a point of contact and support
  • Connect with other students and faculty/staff

Student Spotlight


Beige Caldwell Posing For A Photo With A Saxaphone

Beige Caldwell

“UNT is such an amazing university with so much to offer, and if you made it here, to college, against all odds of what you’ve been through and the hardships you’ve faced, then take it by the reins and own your success by enriching your life and experiences."




PUSH can help students with resources at UNT and in the community!