Registered student organizations and UNT campus departments will have the opportunity to table at Mean Green Fling free of charge. This year's event will take place on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. You have the opportunity to sign up for a table to promote your organization or department. Spacing is limited and assigned on a first come, first served basis. Please see registration information below!

Student Organizations

Student organizations can sign up to table at Mean Green Fling with the following guidelines:

✔ REGISTERED ORGANIZATIONS (those who last registered in the Fall 2022-Spring 2023 school year) can sign up for a table at Mean Green Fling with no prerequisites as long as they are eligible for registration.

✔ RETURNING ORGANIZATIONS (those who last registered prior to the Fall 2022-Spring 2023 school year) can sign up to be placed on the WAIT LIST for Mean Green Fling. After review, they will receive notification of whether or not they will be added to the wait list. WAIT LIST form needs:

  • organization name
  • advisor name and email
  • names and EUIDs for all officers
  • names and EUIDs for at least 8 students interested in joining (can include officers)
  • organization's mission and a brief description


  • Mean Green Fling sign-ups are not the same as Student Org Registration. Organizations will have to complete registration separately.
  • Sign-ups could potentially close early if all the available spots fill up. Tables are not guaranteed at sign up!


  • Friday, June 16: Student Organization Sign-Ups Open
  • Monday, July 31: Student Organization Sign-Ups Close (sign-ups are now full, please complete the Wait List form below)
  • Tuesday, August 1: Student Organization Wait List Sign-Ups Open
  • Tuesday, August 14 at 5pm: Student Organization Wait List Sign-Ups Close


  • All event information has been sent to the contact listed on the organization's sign-up submission. If you have not received final details, please reach out to your organization's president or Mean Green Fling representative.
  • Be sure to bring a refillable water bottle or cooler of water bottles for your table, it will be hot.
  • Check-In is required and must be complete between 3:00 PM and 4:30 PM, failure to meet this deadline will result in a forfeit of your table.

Campus Departments

Department sign-ups will open on Thursday, June 22, 2023 and close Tuesday, August 1, 2023.