
The Student Organization Foundational Funding Award (SOFFA), overseen by Student Activities, provides an additional funding opportunity for student orgs, complementing other Student Service Fee (SSF) funding options (e.g., SGA Eagle’s Nest, SGA Raupe Travel Grant, and Student Activities Student Org Funding). SOFFA provides funds in support of registered student organization’s “foundational” activities. Foundational definition: Events that happen traditionally over the past 2-3 years for an organization. 

Award Eligibility
  • Student organization shall:
    • Be registered with Student Activities for three consecutive academic years, including 2024-2025
    • Be in good conduct standing
    • Not have received any funding in the fiscal year 2026 SSF
    • Complete SOFFA training video prior to the funding application deadline
  • Requested program(s)* shall:
    • Have been offered at least twice in the last two academic years
    • Be held between August 1st and December 31, 2025
    • Be primarily planned, coordinated, and managed by the requesting student org

*Programs include:

  • On-campus events (verified by Event Application) that are free and open to the student body (e.g., do not serve the primary purpose of organizational recruitment)
  • Services or projects that are free and open to the student body
How to Apply

In order to receive any funding, ALL of the following steps must be completed by an individual student of the organization:

  1. Student Organization officer completes SOFFA training
  2. Student Organization submits a funding application, which must be approved by the org’s president and advisor, by the deadline
  3. SOFFAC reviews applications and notifies student orgs of ineligible requests
  4. Student Organization presents budget request to Student Organization Foundational Funding Award Committee (SOFFAC) (online or in person)
  5. Committee deliberates and notifies student org of funding decision
  6. Student Organization works with Student Activities staff to make purchases for allocated program(s)

2025 - 2026 Student Organization Foundational Funding Award Application 

  • Funding application deadline: Friday, May 16th at 5:00 pm
  • Presentations: Week of June 2th
  • Allocation notification: Week of June 11th
  • If a student org receives SOFFA, it may only request supplemental funding from another SSF funding option if there are budgetary changes outside of the student org’s control (e.g. increase in vendor price); Note: Supplemental funding is not guaranteed, and is subject to the application and approval process of the awarding body
  • All purchases will be processed through Student Activities unless prior permission is given by the Student Activities Budget Officer, student orgs cannot purchase items and be reimbursed.
    • Student orgs failing to meet requirements and guidelines will forfeit reimbursement eligibility for non-pre-paid travel expenses
  • If a student org does not utilize all the funds allocated to an activity, remaining funds will not be maintained by the student org for their use on another activity
  • Allocated funds cannot be transferred to another activity submitted in the student org’s funding application unless approved by a 2/3 vote of the SOFFA committee or Director of Student Activities
  • A student org that fails to submit purchasing requests or documents by the deadlines set by Student Activities may forfeit the funds allocated to that activity
  • A student org that fails to maintain Award Eligibility or meet the Requirements After Awarded may, if approved by a 2/3 vote of the SOFFA committee, forfeit the funds allocated to them for that semester and/or may be required to reimburse Student Activities for money already expended on the student org’s behalf
  • If an activity is cancelled, the student org may, if approved by a 2/3 vote of the SOFFA committee, be required to reimburse Student Activities for money already expended on the student org’s behalf and be ineligible for future funding until the funds are reimbursed.
  • A student org demonstrating activity not congruent with the mission of the University of North Texas may, if approved by a 2/3 vote of the SOFFA committee, forfeit remaining funds allocated to them for that semester and/or may be required to reimburse Student Activities for money already expended on the student org’s behalf; in addition, if a student org’s actions are egregious, the student org may, if approved by a 2/3 vote of the SOFFA committee, be deemed ineligible to apply for SOFFA funds for the following semester
  • Student Activities will not fund any activities or expenses that violate University Policy (e.g., alcohol); the Code of Student Conduct; or Local, State, or Federal law (e.g., that discriminate based on protected classes)



SOFFA Training Video


SOFFA Training Quiz

  • Access the SOFFA training course in here at https://canvas.instructure.com/enroll/WPEEDR
  • Click the link above to access the SOFFA training quiz
  • Enroll in the "SOFFA Training" Course with a valid email.
  • Once enrolled select modules to watch the SOFFA Training video if you haven't already.
  • Once you have watched the SOFFA Training Video please complete the quiz associated with the video.
  • To receive credit, at least one current officer must complete all modules and quizzes, passing with a score of at least 80%.


Student Organization Foundational Funding Award Committee

Applicant Requirements
  • Be enrolled at UNT for entire time serving on the Committee (Spring & Fall semesters)
  • Be in good academic and conduct standing
  • Have a cumulative UNT grade point average of 2.5 or better
  • Be available to attend Committee meetings, presentations, and other related occasions in spring, summer, and fall
  • Have a genuine interest in leadership, campus engagement, and UNT school spirit
  • Be able to work both independently and within a team
  • Demonstrate strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Demonstrate strong analytic and problem-solving skills
Type of Position
SOFFAC positions are volunteer/unpaid
How to Apply
The application for 2025-2026 SOFFAC committee members is currently open. Apply here!

Quick Links 



If you have any questions, please contact Student Activities at 940-565-3807, email student.activities@unt.edu, or visit us in Union 345.