About the Division of Student Affairs Graduate Assistant Program

How Graduate Assistants (GAs) support the Division of Student Affairs (DSA)

  • Provide support for Division programs and services
  • Provide varied perspectives on student engagement and student learning
  • Provide entrenchment to the UNT experience.

How the Division of Student Affairs (DSA) supports Graduate Assistants (GAs)

  • Provide training to increase effectiveness and productivity
  • Provide professional developmental opportunities for GAs to gain valuable experience within their field of study
  • Provide positive learning and work environment through supervision, competitive compensation, and mentoring

The Graduate Assistant Program within the Division of Student Affairs exists to provide practical application in the field of higher education. In the last 2 years, Higher Education Master's program graduates who worked as Graduate Assistants in Student Affairs had a 99% Higher Education job placement rate within 3 months of graduation.

UNT Division of Student Affairs has over 60 GA positions available for graduate students, which allows for a diverse set of options and experiences while working towards a degree. While priority is given to enrolled Higher Education graduate students, all graduate programs are encouraged to apply.

For graduate assistantships with other divisions, and colleges, outside of the Division of Student Affairs, contact the individual divisions and colleges, directly, or search Eagle Careers to see which opportunities are available.

Interviews and Placement

  • The hiring process for most positions within the Divison of Student Affairs will be coordinated through the GA Program Coordinator (dsaga@unt.edu) and the Higher Education Program. There are very few departments that have exceptions to this rule.

Timeline for Higher Education Graduate Assistants

  • Returning Higher Education Co-hort Graduate Assistants
    • Late-January/early-February
  • New Higher Education Co-hort Candidates
    • Application deadline: March 1
    • Interview days: typically during the 3rd week of March
  • Returning and New Non-Higher Education Candidates
    • Begins once the Higher Education Co-hort process ends, typically in March

Contact Us

For More Information

  • Visit Graduate Student Support from the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • For graduate assistantships within the Division of Student Affairs, contact the Graduate Assistant Program team at DSAGA@unt.edu.
  • For graduate assistantships with other divisions and colleges, contact the individual divisions and colleges directly or search Eagle Careers to see which opportunities are available.