Join The ACCESS Challenge

By completing the ACCESS Challenge, you could be selected for a $250 award that will be added to your student bill for the 2025 - 2026 academic year!

The ACCESS Challenge Rules

  1. Engage in at least six meetings with your mentor throughout the academic year and/or three meetings with your mentor per semester
  2. The meetings should be spaced with a minimum of two weeks between each. While you are welcome to meet with your mentor more frequently, only one meeting per two weeks can count toward completing the challenge
  3. Throughout the semester, there will be various ACCESS Mentoring events. Attending these events gives you a chance to meet other students and win cool prizes!

Multiple $250 awards, along with other prizes, will be given out at the ACCESS End of Year Reception on April 25, 2024.

Ask your mentor how YOU can complete the ACCESS Challenge!

If you have any questions email