Peer Mentors

ACCESS Peer Mentors are essential to the retention and persistence of students at UNT. Peer mentors assist new students in getting acclimated to campus life and understanding the many resources available to them duing their collegiate experience at UNT. The ACCESS Peer Mentor position is a paid position in he Orinetation and Transition Programs office. 

Apply to be a Peer Mentor!

Applications to be a Peer Mentor for Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 will be announced in the upcoming 2026 Spring semester. 

1. Apply for position #8650998 on UNT's Handshake platform 

2. Complete the official position application

Interested applicants will participate in a group interview on Wednesday, May 1 or Thursday, May 2. Applicants will be contacted to schedule their interview if they meet the minimum qualifcations for the position. 


Dillon Smith, Student Service Coordinator