
One way that student organizations enhance campus life at UNT is by hosting events, including things like meetings (or practices), activities, functions, and programs. Student org events can benefit a variety of audiences, including its leadership, membership, UNT student body, or even broader community. 

While student orgs may choose to host events off-campus (or even virtually), there are a number of benefits to hosting them on-campus, including free or reduced-rate reservations for registered student orgs. When a student org desires to host an event (as defined above) in university facilities or on campus grounds, it must submit an Event Application to secure a reservation and be reviewed by a number of campus entities. Student orgs are encouraged, but are not required, to submit an Event App for events held off-campus or virtually. The latter types of events are typically submitted in order to promote them via the student org’s calendar or public calendar on OrgSync.

Virtual Events

As of August 1, 2021, UNT removed COVID-19 related event restrictions. Previous conditions for holding in-person events, including required COVID-19 testing, no longer apply. While there are no required restrictions, student orgs are encouraged to take reasonable precautions and steps to keep student org and community members safe. For example, student orgs can:

  • Encourage the use of masks and social distancing at their events.
  • Encourage in-person attendees to self-monitor for symptoms prior to arrival and ask those who show symptoms or don’t feel well to stay home.
  • Take attendance (including arrival time, name, phone number, and departure time) at the event and keep the records for at least 4 weeks, which could help with internal contact tracing. 

When possible, student orgs should provide a virtual or other in-person participation option to accommodate, for example, prospective attendees who have pre-existing health conditions and/or are immunocompromised. If a student requests any type of accommodation for a program on campus, student orgs may contact Student Activities for assistance.

Event Processes

Event Applications
One of the privileges of registration is to be able to host events on campus, at no cost or at a reduced rate established by the reserving department. In order to do this, student organizations will need to submit an Event Application.
Event Safety Committee
The Event Safety Committee (ESC) oversees on-campus events that have an element of risk and that may increase the student organization's or University's liability or pose a hazard to people or property, as determined by the reserving department or Student Activities.
While not an exhaustive list, these are the most common UNT policies related to events. If an organization wishes to conduct certain activities (e.g., sell items or bring food) related to the event, the organization may be required to complete additional forms.