One of the privileges of registration is to be able to host events on campus, at no cost or at a reduced rate established by the reserving department. In order to do this, student organizations will need to submit an Event Application.

In the context of the Event App, an “event” includes activities like meetings, practices, functions, and programs.
When is an Event Application Required?

An Event App is required whenever a student org desires to host an in-person event on campus, which includes in fraternity and sorority houses. An exception is granted for specific student organization events, as discussed in the Event Application Procedures.

Student orgs desiring to have only a table in or around the University Union (with no other associated activity) should instead submit anSolicitation Permit Applicationunder the Solicitation, Signs, and Postings Policy.

While an Event App is not required for virtual or off-campus activities, submitting one can help the student org promote these activities to members and/or a broader audience, via their OrgSync calendar.

Event Application Procedures

In line with UNT Policy 07.019 (Student Organizations), Student Activities has established Event Application Procedures which student orgs must follow when hosting an event in university facilities or on campus grounds. The full procedures can be found here.

Student orgs are responsible for reading and following all procedures and policies applicable to the event process (See Event Related Policies below).

When submitting an Event App, the student org must provide complete and accurate information about the event to ensure that it is reviewed and approved by the proper campus entities. Failure to provide complete and accurate information could subject the student and student org to disciplinary and/or administrative action.  

Event Management Training
Any member wishing to submit an Event App on behalf of the student org should watch the Event Managementtraining video and read the Event Application Proceduresprior to that member's first submission. Together, these resources provide a helpful summary of important information regarding hosting events on-campus, as well as tips that will help student orgs complete their Event Apps correctly, thus saving time and effort.
Where to Find the Event Application

The Event App is located in OrgSync. To access the Event App, go to the Organization Tool Menu in the organization's portal and select Events. In the top right corner, click on the blue “Create Event” button to get started. Note that a member will only be able to see the button if they have been given permissions to the Events tool in the organization's portal.  

In addition to tips provided in the Event Management Training, there are several tutorials to help navigate the Events toolin OrgSync.

Event Application Availability and Date Restrictions

Student orgs must beregisteredwith Student Activities prior to submitting an Event App for any event that would occur during the current semester (e.g., registered for 2024-2025 prior to submitting an Event App for a Fall 2024 event). 

The Fall 2024 Event App includes events falling within the date range of August 2nd through December 22nd. However, no Event Apps will be approved for events during university closures or, in accordance with UNT Policy 06.031 (Pre-Finals Days, Reading Day, and Final Examinations), during the period from pre-finals (two calendar days preceding reading day) through the end of finals, a date range spanning December 4th-13th.

The Spring 2024 Event App includes events falling within the date range to be determined. However, no Event Apps will be approved for events during university closures or, in accordance with UNT Policy 06.031 (Pre-Finals Days, Reading Day, and Final Examinations), during the period from pre-finals (two calendar days preceding reading day) through the end of finals, a date range spanning April 30th-May 9th.

Any Event App submitted for an unregistered organization, or that falls on a restricted date with no other date options provided, will be denied. 

Submission Deadline

The deadline to submit the Event App for an on-campus event depends on the level of risk assigned to it. Note that an Event App is not considered to be "submitted" until both the student org President and UNT Faculty/Staff Advisor have approved it in OrgSync.

If an element of an event may increase the organization's or University's liability, or pose a hazard to people or property, the student org should submit the Event App at least 15 business days prior to the requested event to ensure that there is time to complete the review process below, including review by the Event Safety Committee (ESC). Additional information about factors that increase risk and liability is addressed in the training video and Event Application Procedures, but if the student org is in doubt about whether it needs to meet this deadline, it should submit the Event App by this deadline. The student org may also contact the ESC for guidance, well before the potential deadline.

Since the last day to hold an event before Fall 2024 final exams is December 3rd, the deadline to submit an Event App that would need to be reviewed by ESC is November 8th (15 business days prior to December 3rd).

Otherwise, student orgs should submit the Event App at least 5 business days prior to the requested date to ensure that the reserving department has time to book the space. Please do not submit an Event App the day of or the day before a requested event and expect that the space is available and/or that the department has time to make the reservation in time.

Review Process

Each completed Event App tags a number of reviewers (sending an automatically-generated email from “UNT Student Activities OrgSync”) and must be approved by the reviewers on each applicable level before it advances to the next level. For additional information about the review process, see the Event Application Procedures.

  • Level 1: Student Org President and UNT Advisor; plus the council advisor for chapters associated with the Center for Fraternity & Sorority Life
  • Level 2: Dean of Students Office for outdoor events with structures/exhibits or camping
  • Level 3: Reserving department(s) for the space(s) selected by the student org on the “Space Request” page of the Event App, if the event requires the reservation of space; plus Risk Management Services (Food Safety) for an event that will have food or drink not provided by Dining Services
  • Level 4Event Safety Committee (ESC) Chair for review by ESC, if an element of the event may increase the organization's or University's liability, or pose a hazard to people or property
  • Final Review: Once an Event App is approved by all tagged voting reviewers, it will be reviewed by Student Activities. If there are no remaining questions about event details, the Event App will be approved or denied. Once an Event App is fully approved, the event is then added to the calendar in OrgSync (based on the visibility preferences selected by the student org in the Event App).
Changes to an Event

Event Logistics

If a student org needs to make changes to logistics (which includes dates, times, or desired space) to a submitted Event App and that Event App:

  • Is unapproved (pending), call Student Activities at (940) 565-3807. Student Activities will deny your Event App so you can make the necessary edits and resubmit. After it is denied, go to your User Drawer (initial or picture in top right corner) and select My Submissions. Click on the Events tab and select the name of the event that you wish to edit.
  • Has been fully approved, navigate to the public-facing event page for the event you would like to change. Click the Manage Event button in the upper right-hand corner. From the Event Details dashboard, click the Change Details button. This will initiate a change request.

The student org should not submit a new Event App. For either of the above, the student org can make changes to the original Event App as necessary; when finished clicking through all of the pages to the end, the student org will be prompted to “Resubmit” the request. Changes require approval per “Review Process” above, before the updated Event App is fully approved.

Event Details

At any time before or after an Event App is approved, a student org must report any change in event activity details (that is, the things happening at the event) to Student Activities via a comment in the submitted Event App. Changes should be reported immediately, but at least 5 business days prior to the event, and require approval per “Review Process” above before the updated Event App is fully approved. For more information, including examples about details that need to be reported, see the Event Application Procedures.

Event Related Policies

The following are UNT policies most connected to the ability to host events on-campus:

Students and student organizations that that violate these procedures or university policies or procedures could face disciplinary and/or administrative action, including a warning, fine, cancellation of the event, loss of the ability to host events on-campus for a specified period of time, or suspension.

Student Organizations Policy
  • Definitions of Event-Related Terms
  • Administration of Event Procedures
  • Event Safety Committee
  • Event Relocation
Free Speech and Public Assembly on Campus Grounds Policy
  • Amplified Sound
  • Outdoor Exhibits and Structures
  • Expressive Activity
  • Inviting Guest Speakers to Campus
Solicitation, Signs and Postings
  • Sale or Distribution of Food or Drink
  • Event Promotion On Campus
Prohibition of Camping on University Property
  • Guidelines for Sleeping Outdoors / Establishing a Place for Sleeping
  • Approval Process
Pre-Finals Days, Reading Day, and Final Examinations
  • Event Date Restrictions

Facilities Use Coordination
  • Definitions of Event-Related Terms
  • Priority of Use of Facilities
  • Facilities' Ability to Create Guidelines for Use

Classroom Space

To maximize usage by student orgs, starting at 5 pm Sunday through Thursday, series/recurring requests (typically meetings) are limited to 1.5 hours in length, and one-time requests (typically non-meetings) are limited to 4 hours in length. Exceptions may be made, based on availability, after the second Friday of each semester.

Room assignments are subject to change based upon availability. If the room or building requested is not available or unable to be booked for the event, Student Activities will book the closest available location that will accommodate the size of the event.

Classrooms should be left in a neat and organized fashion, and organizations will be held responsible for damages occurring during the use of the facility. If Student Activities receives any complaint regarding noise, trash, or disorganization within the classroom, the reservation will be canceled and the organization may be ineligible to make future reservations. The incident may also be submitted to the Dean of Students for conduct review.

Food and Drink at Events

Not all spaces on campus allow food and/or drink, or may under certain circumstances, so it is important for student orgs to know and abide by the reserving department's food and drink policy.

Student orgs wishing to serve food and/or drinks from a vendor other than UNT Dining Services (including Verde Catering and Food to Go) must indicate that on the Event App so that it can be reviewed. For off-campus restaurants or food service vendors, a copy of the vendor's current health permit needs to be on file with Risk Management Services (Food Safety).

Approval or denial of food and drink at an event will communicated via the Event App.

Reserving Department Contacts

While most communication with reserving departments should be done via the Event App, there may be instances in which a student org needs to reach out with questions, etc. If the event contact has not heard from the reserving department at Level 3 (see Review Process above) and it has been at least 48 business hours since both Levels 1 and 2 were approved, the event contact may reach out to the reserving department.

  • For Auditorium, Union, most outdoor space (including the Library Mall and South Lawn), and space not listed below: Conference and Event Services (Union 418,, or 940-565-3804)
  • For classroom space: Student Activities (Union 345,, or 940-565-3807)
  • For Bruce Concert Hall, Crumley Conference Room, Honors Conference Room, Rawlins MPR, Victory Seminar Room, Joe Greene Lawn, Kerr Basketball Court, Rawlins/Honors/Clark Amphitheater: Housing (Barbara Whitacre,
  • For the Rec Center, Rec Fields, PEB, and Bahnsen Gym space: Rec Sports (Rec Center 103,, or 940-565-2275)
  • For the Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life, Fraternity Row, or Sorority Row/Courtyard space: Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life (Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life,, or 940-369-8463)
  • For the Environmental Building (EESAT) Atrium: Events Coordinator (Env 164,, 940-565-4912)
  • For Coliseum and Gateway Center space: Coliseum (Coliseum 111,, 940-565-2557)
  • For DATCU Stadium space: Athletics (


For more information about the Event Application process and technical assistance with the Event App in OrgSync, please contact Student Activities in Union 345, or at 940-565-3807, or