UCE COVID-19 Recommendations and Initiatives

In response to COVID-19 the department of University Centers and Events has implemented some initiatives to our meeting and event reservations to provide a safe environment for all.

In all of our facilities, we have:

  • Increased cleaning and sanitation measures throughout the building
  • Added additional time between meetings and events to properly sanitize all touchpoints
  • Spaced out seating in meeting and event rooms to provide 3 feet physical distancing
  • Reduced seating in dining areas to guidelines equal to or less than restaurants
  • Spread out our lounge furniture to influence physical distancing
  • Added Plexiglas barriers at customer service stations
  • Have hand-sanitizing stations throughout the building

We also:

  • Encourage everyone to take advantage of hand sanitizing stations and wash hands frequently, for a minimum of 20 seconds
  • Ask anyone who is feeling sick to please stay home

CDC Guideline Sources

For more information regarding guidelines please see the links from the CDC: