Presentations and training for faculty, staff or student groups

UNT's Counseling and Testing Services provides a full range of mental health services, including presentations and training for faculty, staff or student groups.  Complete and submit the CTS Training/Presentation Request to inquire about potential programming for yourself or your staff/group.

Outreach Requests

  • Assertive Communication
  • Assisting Students in Distress (Staff/Faculty)
  • Body Image
  • Building Emotional Health and Resilience
  • Burnout Prevention (Staff/Faculty)
  • Conflict Management
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Holiday Blues/Grief During the Holidays
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Loneliness and Building Social Connections
  • Mental Health Among Various Identities
  • Mindfulness
  • Overview of Counseling and Testing Services
  • Positive Psychology/Gratitude/Strengths
  • Self-Care
  • Self-Compassion
  • Stress Management/Coping with Anxiety
  • Suicide Prevention (2 HOURS)
  • Test Anxiety
  • Trauma Informed Classrooms (Staff/Faculty)

Additional Training

For CTS, our goal is to equip as many UNT staff, faculty, students, and concerned others as possible to help intervene and save our student's lives. One way we do that is through trainings, including the below. We also offer counseling resources for faculty and staff and tips for how to help others

  • Campus Connect is a two-hour gatekeeper training program for faculty, staff, and students.  This training uses interaction and activities to enhance knowledge, awareness, and skills regarding suicide among college students.  Participants will learn suicide risk and protective factors, warning signs, empathic listening skills, communication skills, how to ask individuals if they are thinking about suicide, what reactions they may encounter, and what referral sources they can provide.

  • QPR (Questions, Persuade, Refer) is a training program that is available for all groups or individuals on campus who need or want to know more about how to talk to students about this critical life-saving topic. People trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis.  The program teaches how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. This is a two-hour practical training that provides participants with the basic tools and knowledge so they can be effective if they were ever faced with this type of situation.


Working in Tandem

We all play a role in helping our students and each other.

CTS appreciates and values the collaboration between our department and others, and strive to understand the needs of other campus offices so we may best help students who utilize these other offices. 

Many of our staff act as liaisons to other offices on campus, and make an effort to tailor programming specifically to these offices and give support to the offices and students as needed.

This collaboration allows for quickness and ease of programming to occur when the offices and students would benefit.


International Students Services
Pallas Haung, LPC

UNT Libraries
Taylor Williams, LPC

First Generation Students and TRIO Student Support
Erika Cole, LPC

Center for Belonging and Engagement
Lilliesha Grandberry, LPC-S
Deante Moore, LPC Associate Supervised by Lilliesha Grandberry, LPC-S

Marilyn Parrish, LCSW-S

Graduate School
Haley Pena, LPC
Atekeh Sedat, LMSW Supervised by Marilyn Parrish, LCSW-S

Student Health and Wellness Center and UNT Police Department
Amanda Wheeler, Ph.D.

Psychology and Counseling Departments
Arlene Rivero, Ph.D.

Lilliesha Grandberry, LPC-S

College of Visual Arts and Design
Deante Moore, LPC Associate Supervised by Lilliesha Grandberry, LPC-S

Office of Disability Access
Jennifer Ratto, LPC Associate Supervised by Shaunté Collins, LPC-S


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