Map directing traffic from North Texas BLVD to West Hickory to Avenue C to West Sycamore in order to park behind Chestnut Hall


Construction on UNT roads requires alternate route for CTS parking
traffic cone In order to get to Chestnut Hall for CTS go through the back way/ambulance entrance to arrive at Parking Lot 5.

Your mental health matters.

At UNT, we are committed to providing comprehensive, compassionate support to help you navigate the unique challenges of student life. Our services, including counseling, workshops, and peer support, are designed to foster a supportive community where every student can thrive.

We've gathered an extensive range of campus, community, and online resources in one convenient place, making it easier than ever for you to find the help you need, exactly when you need it. 

Explore our free comprehensive resources and services, and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you – because your mental health matters.

Get free comprehensive mental health services on campus.

Know that you're not alone, and we're here to help.

Find the help you need, where you are - online.

Zoom in for an innovative way ot visit with your therapist.
Join the peer-to-peer online community focused on mental health support at no cost to UNT students.
Find links to online resources for mental health and wellness.
Explore resources that focus on your physical, social and mental wellbeing.

Discover other campus resources.

A collaborative interdisciplinary committee that meets regularly about students exhibiting high-risk behaviors.
Get counseling for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families in Denton County.
Join peers in recovery support or in long-term recovery from mental illness, substance use, and/or process addictions.
Find counseling services to individuals and families in Denton area.
Learn how we eliminate or minimize barriers and facilitate inclusion.
Get individual, group, marriage and family therapy and evaluation services.
Manage a current prescription and learn how psychiatric medication can help.
Discover resources for substance use, healthy decision making and mental health recovery.
Find assistance in working toward and achieving personal or academic goals.



Explore community resources.