
OrgSync, our Engage Campus Labs community, is an online platform where students connect to campus organizations, events, and departments.  It is the home to all of our 450+ student organizations and helps officer manage their organizations, while also providing an easy way to get connected to them. Are you on OrgSync yet? If you're not already using OrgSync, learn more information about the system and how it can benefit you in the tutorials below. Every UNT student, faculty, and staff member has a profile, all you have to do is log in using your UNT EUID and password!


Storage Lockers

Registered student organizations may apply for storage lockers. If granted, these lockers will be assigned for the whole academic year (July-May). They are located in the Union Student Organization Work Space and the Student Organization Storage Locker Room on the 3rd floor. Priority applications will be open from August 1st - September 1st!

Money Matters

Outreach & Recruitment Opportunities


Recruiting new members provides opportunities to bring energy to your organization and strengthen your existing community. Below are some helpful recruiting opportunities and resources to help your student organization meet potential new members.

Risk Management

In 2007, the 80th Texas Legislature added section 51.9361 to the Texas Education Code regarding risk management training of officers and advisors of student organizations. It requires the university covers 8 different topics related to risk management: alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs, hazing, sexual abuse and harassment, fire and other safety issues, travel, behavior at parties, adoption of a risk management policy and issues regarding persons with disabilities.


While not an exhaustive list, these are the most common UNT policies related to events. If an organization wishes to conduct certain activities (e.g., sell items or bring food) related to the event, the organization may be required to complete additional forms.

Failure to follow any UNT policy may be referred to the Dean of Students for possible conduct sanctioning. As such, representatives should review and understand their responsibilities. All may be found at