
OrgSync, our Engage Campus Labs community, is an online platform where students connect to campus organizations, events, and departments.  It is the home to all of our 450+ student organizations and helps officer manage their organizations, while also providing an easy way to get connected to them. Are you on OrgSync yet? If you're not already using OrgSync, learn more information about the system and how it can benefit you in the tutorials below. Every UNT student, faculty, and staff member has a profile, all you have to do is log in using your UNT EUID and password!

What is OrgSync?

OrgSync is the online hub for campus involvement.  You can search and browse for student organizations to get involved in, connect with student leaders, request an involvement advising appointment, and more!

Whether you are looking to get involved or you are a current student leader, OrgSync is the platform for you.  Students looking to get involved can use the search bar to navigate through keywords, categories, and more to find an organization to join. Student Organization officers can use your organization pages to communicate with members, organize events, and recruit new members.  

Having issues with OrgSync?

OrgSync is very user friendly and fairly easy to navigate.  However, that doesn't mean you won't run into some questions while you're learning the system.  If you have a question, feel free to email or, check out the various resources and tutorials below! 

OrgSync Tutorials
How To Documents
Coming soon!


Storage Lockers

Registered student organizations may apply for storage lockers. If granted, these lockers will be assigned for the whole academic year (July-May). They are located in the Union Student Organization Work Space and the Student Organization Storage Locker Room on the 3rd floor. Priority applications will be open from August 1st - September 1st!

Money Matters

Bank Accounts

When opening or updating a bank account, Student Activities only assists with

providing a letter stating that a student org is registered and confirms who is being added/removed to an account. This is mainly for DATCU & Wells Fargo accounts unless a special request is made by a different establishment. For any specific bank/tax questions, please refer to the FAQs link below or speak with an IRS/Bank provider. 

Adding Signatories to the Account

In addition to at least one current signatory being present at the bank when these changes are being made, all individuals being added must be present at the same time with an official form of identification (passport, driver's license, etc.), their student ID, and the letter provided by Student Activities. This applies during COVID-19. Transitions can be made at any open DATCU/Wells Fargo by setting an appointment in advance and arriving with the people you plan to add. Currently, the DATCU  location on-campus is open for student organizations. Therefore, if not all individuals that an organization desires to add can be present at the bank at the same time, the organization will need to submit a subsequent form adding those that cannot attend with this group. Ideally, this would happen after the new individuals are added to the account. For example, if the organization wants to add persons A, B, and C, but person C cannot go to the bank at the same time as A, B, and the current signatory, then the organization should request to add persons A and B now and will have to submit a letter to add person C at a later time. 

Removing Signatories from the Account

If someone is being removed from the account, they do not need to be present at the bank.

Virtual Options

At this time, we understand that for some of you, it is not possible to make an appointment to meet at DATCU in-person. We are working with them to see how your organizations can proceed to transition signatories if you are out of town/state. We will send updates when we receive them.


Treasurer's Resources

We know that treasurer's have an important responsibility within any organization. Here are a couple resources to help prepare your treasurer for their role within your organization.



Looking for ways to raise money for your student organization? Check out the resources below for more information on fundraising ideas and process to help your organization succeed.

Tax Exemption

When planning fundraisers, entities such as restaurants, may ask for a tax-exemption or W-9 form. Student Activities does not provide either of these forms. What we can do is provide an official letter from Student Activities that states that your organization is not utilizing funds that are raised to create a profit.

In order to obtain an official letter from Student Activities, an organization must be registered for the semester. Please have either the President or Treasurer submit this formOur goal is to reach out within two-five business days to process further steps in a request if an organization is registered, but it depends on Student Activities’ workload at the time.



There are a number of funding opportunities, through the Student Government Association (SGA), Graduate Student Council (GSC), Student Activities, and Toulouse Graduate School, available to most registered student organizations. Each fund has its own eligibility criteria, application procedures, funding guidelines, and deadlines. Questions about a specific fund should be directed to the appropriate funding entity.

Funding Opportunities

  • SGA's Eagle's Nest Fund for student org events that are on-campus and open to the student body
  • SGA's Raupe Travel Grant for student org and undergraduate student conference travel that benefits the student body
  • Toulouse Graduate School's Travel Grant for graduate student conference travel relevant to their degree
  • Student Activities' Student Organization Foundational Funding Award  for registered student orgs that have hosted the same activity for several years. This fund allows established student orgs to request funds one semester in advance of the activity.
  • Student Activities' Student Org Funding for student org items and activities that are not eligible to be funded by any of the above funds



Marketing is a year-round process and can benefit your student orgaznization in multiple ways. Not only will marketing increase attendance at your events, but it will also help sustain your organization throughout future transistions.


Check out this article by Canva, a graphic design website, that shares great tips and tricks on marketing your student organization: 10 Ways to Market Your Student Club on Campus.




Tabling is a great way to promote your organization! It can help you raise awareness and garner support for an issue, advertise for events, and recruit new members. Below are helpful resources including tabling best practices, giveaways, and supplies.


Residence Halls

Registered organizations are allowed to table inside of Residence Halls with the permission from Community Director for that hall. The organization would need to double-check with the Community Director to see if the space can provide a table, if not they must bring their own.

Solicitation Permit

If the organization would like to table outside of the Residence Hall they would need to submit a Solicitation Permit with Conference and Event Services (Union Scheduling) and bring their own table. The Union will not provide tables for organizations outside of the Union tabling.


Registered organizations can sign up to table around or inside the Union.

Union Tabling Sign Up

Insert Link Here

Discovery Park

Below are the steps to follow in order to table at Discovery Park.

  1.  Be a recognized UNT student organization
  2.  Complete tabling request form a week in advance found at website
  3.  Once submitted you will receive an email containing acknowledgment of your reservation request and a request to fill out the Center for Student Affairs Solicitation form
  4.  Solicitation form must be completed, signed, and returned to
  5.  A decision will be made once the tabling request and solicitation form are evaluated
  6.  You will receive an email containing a confirmation letter and complete solicitation application which must be present with you when you table. If denied, you’ll receive a notice via email.
  7.  Come to the Center for Student Affairs at Discovery Park (Suite G140) to check in and we will place the table you have requested at the location requested

Solicitation, Postings, and Flyers Policy

Residence Halls

Must present the materials to Central Housing for approval (UNT Welcome Center).

Recreation Center

Must receive approval by emailing


Eagle Mail

Registered Org Presidents with approved Event Applications that follow the criteria and guidelines can email through the official email system for all UNT students.

Eagle Mail Request


Recruiting new members provides opportunities to bring energy to your organization and strengthen your existing community. Below are some helpful recruiting opportunities and resources to help your student organization meet potential new members.

Risk Management

In 2007, the 80th Texas Legislature added section 51.9361 to the Texas Education Code regarding risk management training of officers and advisors of student organizations. It requires the university covers 8 different topics related to risk management: alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs, hazing, sexual abuse and harassment, fire and other safety issues, travel, behavior at parties, adoption of a risk management policy and issues regarding persons with disabilities.

Risk Managment Training


Advisors are required to attend risk management training once during their tenure. Per 51.9361, a student organization leader or advisor who completes Risk Management training must report the contents of the program at the next full meeting of the student organization membership.


Specified officers are required to attend risk management training annually. Per 51.9361, a student organization leader or advisor who completes Risk Management training must report the contents of the program at the next full meeting of the student organization membership.


Registered student organizations receive risk management training via the officer who completes mandatory Student Organization Orientation annually and the advisor who completes Risk Management training once during their tenure. 

Risk Management Training

Risk Management Training Quiz
Texas Education Code


While not an exhaustive list, these are the most common UNT policies related to events. If an organization wishes to conduct certain activities (e.g., sell items or bring food) related to the event, the organization may be required to complete additional forms.

Failure to follow any UNT policy may be referred to the Dean of Students for possible conduct sanctioning. As such, representatives should review and understand their responsibilities. All may be found at

Solicitation, Signs, and Posting Policy

Information regarding solicitation on campus, which includes sales, recruitment, placing of signs and posters, and other activities that may benefit an individual or group.

Solicitation, Signs, and Posting Policy

Use of Alcoholic Beverages

Information regarding the existence of alcohol on campus, including guidelines for student organizations desiring to sell, serve, or consume alcohol on campus.

Use of Alcoholic Beverages

Facilities Use Coordination

Information related to policies, charges, Event Safety Committee, and facility use at UNT.

Facilities Use Coordination

Pre-Final Week and Final Examinations

Information regarding events and meetings during “dead” or finals weeks.

Pre-Final Week and Final Examinations

Prohibition of Camping on University Property

 Information about overnight events on campus.

Prohibition of Camping on University Property

Free Speech and Public Assembly on Campus Grounds

Information about policies that apply to all outdoor activities and events (e.g., sound amplification, outdoor structures or exhibits).

Free Speech and Public Assembly on Campus Grounds